
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tired Grandma - But Loving It!

Today is a new day! This is the only day that counts!

My grandson's came over to spend the night at my house.  I got them early this afternoon.  I met my daughter part way so neither of us had to do the full drive.  Walking to my car, my 5 year old walked over a pile of snow that had turned to ice and face planted right into the ice.  He got a light road rash and some little cuts on his lips.  Thank goodness my daughter was still with us.  It happened so quickly.  Her husband said, "Why was he walking on the ice?"  My daughter responded, "He's a boy!"  She is a pediatrician so she doesn't over react.

We got to my house and they were disappointed because my 18 year old son wasn't there.  My husband and son had gone to run some errands.  They kept asking when they were coming home.  

They guys came home an hour later.  They played for a while and then we went to get something to eat.  After dinner, my son, wanted to go to the high school gym and play basketball.  My husband has keys to the gym so they can use it.  My son had 16 or so high school boys there to play.  They let the almost 10 year old play with them.  They were playing 4 on 4.  My grandson thought he was something, playing with the big boys.  I stayed for an 1 1/2  hours and my husband and I played with the little one.  We shot baskets and had races.  Believe it or not, the little one won every race!  He was ready to go back home and play with the dog.  I took him home and he played for a little while and the wanted to watch The Incredibles.  I wasn't going to argue with that.

The guys didn't come back until almost 10 o'clock.  My older grandson came home with a lump on his forehead.  One of the older guys came down into him.  He was okay!  They get beat up at Grandma's house.  And we let them have a milk shake after dinner.  Plus we let them stay up too late.  I hope my daughter remembers that she got to do all those things when she went to Grandma's house, too!

I did exercise before they came over this morning.  I probably didn't need to, I got plenty of exercise in the evening.  I still need to work harder on my diet.  They'll be around most of the day Sunday before they go home, so tomorrow will be active for all of us too!  I just wish it was warm enough to enjoy playing outside.  It's March are we are running about fifteen degrees below average.  We have another big snow storm coming in next week.  Will spring never come?


  1. More power to you. returning the favor from Linking with my ladies blog hop

  2. You sound like an awesome grandma! Can I adopt you? LOL!!!

  3. Sounds like a great visit! Thank you so much for stopping by Not Done Growing the other day. I am a little late in getting over here to say so because we were out of town staying at my little bear's Grandma's house for a visit! He had a blast staying up late and eating too much sugar too! haha Isn't that what Grandma and Grandpa's are for? =)

    1. I think so. I remember at my children's grandmother's funeral last May they wrote a tribute to her and that was what they talked about. How grandma made them feel special and let them do things no one else did.

  4. Sounds like everyone had a lot of fun. I hope it warms up soon. I am a new Follower of your Blog. Have a great week.
    Judy - Judy H-J's Thoughts

    1. Thanks for following, it is so time for Spring!

  5. Oh I loved hearing how much fun the kids had and I am with you on Spring. We had a dusting of snow this morning and then a windy day on top. So done with the wind especially after Hurricane Sandy!! We need Spring like yesterday at this point!!

    1. Thanks Janine, lets all think good sunny thoughts and maybe we will get spring very quickly.

  6. Hello! Returning your follow! Sounds like they had fun! You have a good idea with using your blog to stay motivated--mine is always giving my something to work on. Look forward to reading more!

    Mel S

    1. Thanks for the follow! Will be fun getting to know you through your blog.

  7. Returning from WSM Blog Hop! I hope the grandkids had a blast and you are ready for the next storm. It took months for us to get some snow and now it seems like it doesn't want to leave. Have a great day!

    1. I am never ready for the next storm. I am just looking ahead a few days and they are forecasting 50 degrees. We just have to get through a few days. And you know, if the temperature would just warm a few degrees higher than they are predicting it could all be rain. I like the optimistic approach as youy can see.

  8. Hi Betty,
    I think you have a lovely name. Thank you for visiting my blog and for sharing your kind words. I am your newest GFC follower. I hope the weather improves for you and that despite it, you had a great time with your family.


    1. Thanks Karina, can't wait to get to know you through your blog! And I had a marvelous time with my grandsons. I feel like I get to know them more when there parents aren't around. They have fantastic parents, but it's just different.

  9. It is worth getting beat up to be a grandmas fun!!!!!

    1. Yes, I believe it was. The older one was talking about playing basketball with the older boys and how he scored a three pointer. He will be bragging to his classmates and he has a little bruise on his head to show off. The little one has been talking about every spot of ice he sees. I'm not going on that, he says.

  10. We've been getting too much snow here too so I can relate to wondering if spring will ever come! I hope it hurries up!

    1. Let's all think good thoughts! We are getting some decent forecasts for later this week. Get through the mess of a few days and blue skies ahead. Hopefully warmer temps with the blue skies!

  11. Haha, it sounds like you guys had fun. i love playing basketball when we get a chance. I hope you've had a great Monday.


    1. Thanks Nikki, it was fun. My Monday was fantastic. Thanks for taking time to make a comment on my post.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty