
Thursday, April 25, 2013

A - Z Blogging Challenge - Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

It is important to use these words when writing a story.  Who, What, When , Where, Why, and How.  They are called the six W's.  They are interrogative pronouns.

I am going to use these words to tell my story.

Who am I?  I am the mother of four children, just about all grown.  My youngest is still at home, he is 18 and a senior in high school.  I used to work as a bookkeeper, but my job was downsized a little over a year ago.  I am married to my second husband, the father of my youngest child.  My first husband died when my older children were 2, 4, and 6.  I spent a few years raising them before getting involved with someone else.  So there is an 18 year age difference between my 3rd and 4th child.

What is my favorite color?  My favorite color is red!  I love wearing the color red.  I have always had really dark hair and I have a dark complexion.  I thing red goes with with my coloring. 

When will I get another job?  I don't know.  I would like to retire.  I have thought of trying to make money with my blog so I don't have to go out and get another job.  My husband says I need to go back to work in the fall when my son goes to school.  He thinks I need to work to contribute to our son's education.  I can't draw any of my retirement until I reach age 62, which is a few more years.

Where is my favorite place to travel?  Those of you who have been reading my blog probably already know this.  I traveled to France in April of 2012, and I returned to Europe and visited England, France, Germany, Austria, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland in late October 2012.  My favorite place is Paris!  I loved everything about it!  I would like to live in Paris.  It speaks to me!

Why am I trying to lose weight?  I have been losing weight my entire adult life.  Even when I was 120 pounds I thought I needed to lose weight.  Now that I am over 170, I really need to lose weight.  My doctor agrees with me now.  It used to be all about how I looked, now it is about being healthy.  I think when you get older you are concerned about staying healthy so you can have an active life, at least that is how I feel.

How do I plan to lose the weight?  I am doing my best to give up wheat and sugar.  I also feel that it is extremely important to exercise regularly.  I think the combination of those things will allow me to get to a healthy weight.  It is all about making good choices and doing it consistently.


  1. I love Paris too! You must have a nice retirement package from a previous job; I gotta wait for Social Security to kick in, and IF it's still there...that won't be until I turn 66. 4.5 more years for me to go. :(

    1. If they had let me stay until retirement I would have a nice retirement package. By leaving when I did they cut my package big time. I will have a very small retirement but I think once we get our son through college we will be fine.

  2. I have never been to Paris, but I would love to see it. And England too.

    I like red too. In fact, my kitchen is red :) Why don't they make red appliances? Ha ha.

    1. I don't know if you would get tired of red appliances. Hopefully you will get a chance to go to Europe sometime. It is a great experience!

  3. Red is the most awesome color in the world! :-)

    Thank you for the introduction to you! I loved it!

    1. Yes it is, I have always loved it. It is exciting! I sometimes think I might be a little boring but I figured I could let you guys decide.

  4. I am going to Paris this summer! I cannot wait! I am traveling with my 8-year-old daughter and husband. What is your favorite thing to do?

    1. I enjoyed the people. Paris seems to have an atmosphere that I like. Be careful of the pickpockets though. Make sure you wear a pouch around your neck and under your clothes with your money and passport. The pickpockets are very good there. Paris is old and dirty, but still amazing. Try to learn a little French before you go. Just simple words. The people treat you so much nicer if you try to speak to them a little. I loved the artists district at Montmarte. Sitting in a open air cafe and people watching.

  5. I would love to travel to Europe. Someday... Great introduction. I need to stop eating wheat and sugar too. At over 381 lbs and a type II diabetic, these foods don't agree with me, especially because I have no discipline. I agree a healthy, fit and active life are the best reasons for losing weight.

    1. I hope you make it to Europe someday. I really want to go back. I really lose weight if I cut out sugar and wheat because it eliminates all the processed foods. I hope you can do it, I know it's not easy. I struggle too. As I get older i worry more about my health. I want to be around for my family. Let me know how you are doing. It's great that we can all encourage each other.

  6. Hi, Betty! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. :)

    I found the people in Paris were horrible to Americans (in the 1990's), but I enjoyed the visit overall. I'm glad you had a positive time.

    I think you should only get a job if it feels right for you. Moms can lose their identities raising a family, because they sacrifice their talents and hobbies for their kids' needs. A child can be inspired by a mom who is living life with passion and certainty. Also, I think modern parents often give their kids everything, thinking that this is what makes them a good parent, and then what can happen is that the kids end up appreciating nothing.

    1. Thanks we found that the people were very nice if we tried to speak French to them. I know very little but my son has had four years now so he could talk a little more.

      I believe if you give too many things instead of time they are not very appreciative. I am not sure that I want to go back to work. I am doing a lot of volunteering which makes me happy. I just wish I had a little more money. I find when I am working I get more respect from other people. I'm sometimes get the impression that if you stay at home people think you are lazy. I have worked quite a few years, but I have also spent time at home with my children when they were young. I guess I'll see what comes up.

  7. I'm happy to say the people in Paris when we went were very nice (2005). I hope that is the norm today.

    I think red looks great on people w/dark hair too (and blondes, lol). :)

    Your travels sound fun!

    1. I loved the people and as I mentioned it is all about trying to talk to them and giving them a chance to get to know you. We would see people begin to smile when you made an effort to speak to them. Well maybe they were laughing at my French. My son says I speak it with a hillbilly accent.

      You are right! Red looks good on most people, maybe not redheads.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty