
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A - Z Challenge Last Day - ZZZzzzz!!!

Are you getting enough sleep?  I know ZZZzzz isn't a real word, but I decided to use it anyway.  This is my blog.  I do what I want!

Did you know that if you don't get enough sleep it affects your weight loss?  It seems like if you are up moving around longer, you would lose more weight.  The problem is you get tireder, and tired people reach for comfort foods.  You are also tired so you don't want to cook.  And you don't feel like exercising.  Our bodies need to recuperate to work properly.  If you don't get enough sleep you can't handle stress as well.  Stress likes food.  That is not good for your health.  You will also have a hard time being active.

That said, how do you make your body sleep when it doesn't seem to want to?  I personally do not like to take any form of sleep medication.

I have been having a hard time getting my sleep for a while now.  I went through the menopausal issue of waking up in the middle of the night and laying awake.  That lasted for a while.  I would have to go to work on 3-4 hours sleep every day.

Now my problem is when everyone else in the house is going to bed, I don't feel sleepy.  So I stay up until about 2 am.  Then I am awake at around 6 am.  Every time I sit down during the day I fall asleep for a little while.  I need to get normal sleep patterns.  Any suggestions??

Sleep is a part of a healthy lifestyle.  I would like to get my sleep regulated along with my diet.  

One of my friends on Google+, Charles Vigneron suggested I get the book The Promise of Sleep by Dr. Dement.  I haven't had time to look for it yet, but I plan too.

We have had a couple of days of sunshine in a row now, so I am off to do some gardening, which really means back-breaking labor at this point.  


  1. LOL at the gardening comment, that's where mine is right now too, in need of back-breaking labor to get the yardwork done that's needed after a long winter.

    My sleeping patterns are ridiculous. 90% of the time I fall asleep at 9 and get up at 3. It works for me, I like the morning solitude, but it seems silly even to me to go to bed so early.

    1. My yard is ridiculous with all the rain we've had. I got some done today, I couldn't spend too long on it. I had other places to be. I guess a little a day until I get it done. I did some more after the baseball games tonight.

      I guess sleep patterns just get all out of whack. If your getting enough sleep and your happy with it, I guess it works.

  2. 1. don't allow yourself to nap during the day, until you get a normal sleep pattern set. The naps are what keeps you up past midnight. Stop the naps, stop the night owl routine.

    2. no caffeine after dinner. Maybe earlier if it affects you.

    3. no exercise after dinner.

    4. no watching TV in bed.

    5. Get out in the fresh air every day, if you aren't already.

    6. consider trying sleepytime tea in the evening, or something similar.

    Good luck!

    1. 1. I only nap when I sit down and its not on purpose. I don't get to sit down much, so they aren't really all that frequent.

      2. I don't use caffeine at all. I haven't drank soft drinks for 3 years and I have never drank coffee or tea.

      3. I haven't been getting in exercise at all, so I don't have this problem.

      4. I never watch TV in bed. Once I take off my glasses I can't see the TV. There is a TV in there, but I never turn it on.

      5. I am in fresh air at the ball games every day now. And I get out almost every day.

      6. I guess I could try this, I don't really like tea, but I know it is good for you. I have drank green tea before.

      Maybe getting out and working in the yard will help. Getting some exercise and some physical labor.

      Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I need to just go to bed earlier and lay there, maybe read for a while. I have been just sitting up after everyone goes to bed. I kind of like this quiet time by myself.

  3. I agree with Gwen. I am one that has to have her sleep. I get a good 7-8 hours every night. I only take a nap if its the weekend. Love my weekend naps. Before I started my diet, I would drink a cola at dinner and it would keep me up. I quit that. We don't have a TV in the bedroom. Its a nice quiet sanctuary, conducive to sleep.

    Hope you get it all straightened out - a good night's sleep is wonderful.

    1. Thanks, I am going to try to change my sleep patterns. I don't plan on taking naps I think its just sleep deprivation. I don't drink sodas or coffee. I never watch TV in the bedroom and my husband never has it on at bedtime. I think I just don't allow myself to relax and go to sleep.

  4. I have been struggling with going to sleep and remaining sleep. I just want to be able to wake up refreshed and for the most part, that doesn't happen. I am wondering too, if it is a menopausal thing.

    1. I really believe it is. I used to go to sleep five minutes after I laid my head on the pillow and sleep the entire night. My husband has never been a good sleeper and he used to say I could sleep through anything. That has changed now.

  5. I sleep well most of the time and get enough. Occasionally I have terrible interrupted sleeps. Don't know why. If I did I'd fix it lol!

    1. Yes, I'm sure you would. I would to if I knew how to do it.

  6. Reset yourself. Get up SUPER early and plan a day where you don't have TIME to sit down. Be on the go ALL day. A day trip to a big city...or a museum or something. Wear yourself out...and when you get home at a decent hour you will most likely fall into bed exhausted and that will reset your sleep patterns!

    1. I think today working in the yard all day may be good. I am reading to go to sleep now. I'll see how it goes once I go to bed.

  7. If it's summer and I go down to the park, I've been known to take a 20 minute power nap during lunch. :) My sleep pattern is a bit off too. Congrats on making it to the end!

    History Sleuth's Writings A to Zhe End.

    1. Thanks! I think age is a big part of the sleep issues.


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Thanks!!! Betty