
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wordless Wednesday - The Color of Spring Is Here!!!!

I haven't gotten to work in my flower beds yet, due to all the rain.  All of my flower beds are full of spring color now though!!!

Lots of standing water!


  1. I LOVE spring for all the vibrant colors after such a long stretch of brown!

    1. I just love flowers, but in the spring I agree I appreciate them more because it has been so brown for a while. With all this rain everything is a vibrant green.

  2. I love the tulips. Pretty pictures!

    1. I know, I always love them in the spring. They don't last long though! I have people driving by stopping to tell me how pretty they are.

  3. I thought we were going to see colors of Spring, we even went to the park yesterday, but we got snow today, and I have a sick sleeping boy right next to me. I guess the weather changes have gotten to him. :(

    1. Oh, I hope he gets feeling better soon. I am so sick of things like snow and sleet and rain. Just a feel uninterrupted days of sunshine would work well for me.

  4. I love flowers!! It gets so warm here, my tulips lasted less than two weeks. But my roses are gorgeous!


    1. Betty TaylorApril 27, 2013 at 1:07 PM
      Last year we had a really warm spring and mine were gone so quickly. I guess that's one good thing about this cool weather, my tulips are lasting


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Thanks!!! Betty