
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Avoiding the Junk Foods When You're Out With Friends!!!

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Resisting the temptation!

The crowds, the smells, the noise.  Walking into the throngs of people, the first thing I noticed was the smells coming from the concession stands.   I thought how good everything would taste. 

We went on in to the seating area and took our seats.  My husband decided he needed something for his headache.  I told him I would return and buy some water.  I bought the water at the pizza vendor. They had pizza setting in view.  The smells were drifting up.  I got the bottle of water and returned to my seat.

You see, I wasn't hungry.  I made sure to make myself a nice size omelet before I left home.  It was very filling and I had no desire to eat.  The smells were tempting, but I just wasn't hungry.  It's all about preparing ahead of time.

A minor league baseball game.

We went to Victory Field, in Indianapolis, Indiana, to watch the Indianapolis Indians play.  We went with a group of friends.  I haven't been to an Indians game in a few years.  It's fun to get out and spend time with friends. 

Concession stand food!

 Several of the people in our group was visiting the concession and carrying bunches of food back to their seats.  Seriously, I wasn't hungry.  Really the hardest part for me was passing the stands and smelling the food.  I hadn't realized it, but the smell of food is the thing that affects me the most.  I noticed that when I was baking cookies last week.  When I can smell the food as it's cooking it has a strange appeal to me.

We watched the game and the Indians lost 2-1.

Food after the game.

After the game we went to Chicago's Pizza.  Okay, it had been a few hours since my omelet.  I guess after having the one piece of pizza the other day, I just didn't feel the need for more.  I ordered a vegetable salad with grilled chicken in it.  I have found that I like having a little salad dressing.  

How I eat salad dressing.

I just take my fork and dip it into the salad dressing.  I only have a little dressing on the tines.  It was a large salad and I used just a tiny amount of salad dressing.  You could hardly tell there was any salad dressing missing from the little cup.  I worry about salad dressings having hidden sugar, and I am happy with just that little taste with my salad.

My Accomplishments

I made it through a group outing with other people eating all the things that I chose not to eat.  It wasn't a problem in any way.  I went home in the evening and had a healthy snack.  

Next Challenge

Next week, we attend a Cincinnati Reds game.  I think that will go fine, too!  I won't be able to eat at home right before attending the game, but I will make sure we eat somewhere that I can buy a healthy meal before we go into the stadium.  There are just not many healthy choices in those places.  We have to drive a few hours to get to the game and it's an evening game.  I don't think any of that stuff can taste good enough to make it worth hurting my weight loss!

What are your challenges?  Is it the smell, or looking at the food? Do you have one area that is harder than the other for you? What food is your biggest challenge?


  1. Hi Betty, Last time I went to the movies, it was very difficult to not have popcorn. I managed, but really wanted to eat a bucket of the stuff. The smell is so good!

    1. Oh Marc, you are so right! We went to the movies last week, the first time in a while and I smelled the popcorn before I even got in the building. I usually don't have a problem with popcorn. The only problem is when I do eat it I don't know when to stop.

  2. You did fantastic! Great job!

    I love smells of food too, and now that I'm eating less, I seem to smell it more, YET, feel oddly detached. At the race tracks today I'd say random things like "I smell mustard or dijon".... "I smell kettle corn"...."I smell burgers being grilled." Yet I wasn't hungry at all. It was more observational out loud, than any desire for any of it.

    Good job!

    1. I wonder if there is something to that Gwen? I seem to have a higher sense of smell. I kind of felt the same way. I was just breathing in the smell, I really didn't want the food.

  3. The smell of food can trigger me too but like you I try to have my meals planned so there is no chance of me eating the incorrect foods for what I am eating:) None of the food that is high calorie is the least bit tempting for me these days:)

    1. Isn't it wonderful Launna! I think it gets easier instead of harder!

  4. Hi Betty, Thanks for sharing your story and keep it up! Mine is sugar. WAS sugar. Hugs, Holly

    1. Sugar is awful! I will probably always fight the sugar addiction. I hope that someday it will go away, but as of right now I don't see that happening.

  5. BETTY that is SO fantastic!!! You did such a great job of resisting the temptation to give into those foods. I'm the same way about smelling food and wanting to eat it simply because of the smell. That was wonderful that you set yourself up for success by first eating a good healthy meal at home and then opting for a healthy meal when you guys did decide to go out to eat. No doubt you will have great success when you are workin' the system like that! Thanks for linking up!

    1. I think everyone has to find what works for them. Once we find that we can really stick to our planned eating and not overindulge.

  6. You are a lot stronger than I could ever be!! My downfalls are pizza and ice cream! Ice cream is now banned from my freezer, but I still crave pizza once every two weeks or so!

    1. Pizza is a big craving for me. I have never been a big ice cream person. I like it but I don't have to have it. If I get a cone I eat about half and give the rest to my husband. I like the sundaes and other concoctions. I like all the stuff on top, the syrups, the whipped cream, nuts and cherry. I can eat all that off and never touch the ice cream. That stuff is all sugar!

  7. Well I don't know how you did it. I don't think there has ever been a time when I have resisted at a baseball game. So now, I don't eat all day till the game, because I know resistance is futile in my case. Keep the faith.

    1. If I did that I would eat all the wrong things and still be eating the next day.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. That is so great! It's not easy to resist temptation, especially with pizza that looks as good as that. I probably would have given in! Thanks for linking up wiht us!

    1. I didn't resist temptation on Friday and had one piece of pizza. That can't happen more than once in a while. If I did that again that soon it would become a habit and I am changing my habits.

  9. When I go out, I can't resist. I have to cheat. :) Thanks for sharing, loved this!

    1. I am trying to avoid cheating. I am glad you stopped by. I will be your direction soon!!

  10. Great job! It's so hard to resist when everything smells so good but you did great!

  11. What temptations! Great job!
    All the best in the week ahead.

    1. Thanks Beverley!! I hope you have a fantastic week too!!

  12. You did awesome! Congrats to you!!! This is def helping me to stay motivated and on track!

    1. Thanks Alisha!! I hope we can all help each other to stay motivated!!

  13. Great job! I do the same trick with my salad dressing when I don't make it myself and measure. It goes such a long way! Thanks for your sweet comments on my posts! New follower here!


    1. It is a great trick! It's great how far a little bit of salad dressing will go.

  14. Wow, you did a GREAT job in that situation. So many temptations! (I eat salad dressing like that, too, put a little on my fork instead of pouring it on the salad)

    1. It sounds like a few people do that! It is the best way I think. I don't feel deprived at all! Thanks!!

  15. Thanks Amy! I do think the temptation lessens as time goes by!

  16. Betty, every day is a temptation for me as I love to cook and eat :) I am trying to reduce my carbohydrates and get more exercise every day by walking two miles in 15 minutes. Half of the walk is uphill, so it is strenuous. I also take walk up stairs as much as possible and drinks lots of water. Glad to find your blog!

    1. Pat, you are doing fantastic. Two miles in 15 minutes and uphil to boot. Wow!!
      Thanks for reading my blog!!

  17. that is teh hardest part about sticking to a healthy eating plan...going out with friends. I know I have so little self control...even though I should do better.

    1. I think it is a struggle for everyone. Just keep working at it. You will be able to do it.

  18. Have you tried just a vinegar dressing for your salads? They rarely have sugar, you can normally just request a side of olive oil and balsamic or regular vinegar. That's what I do since I can't have the gluten in regular salad dressing. It's hard when everyone else is eating pizza, I always have to eat something separate when I go out to eat with people!

    1. Ann, I have never asked for those things in a restaurant. That's what I use at home. Maybe with so many people eating gluten-free it wouldn't seem like a weird request. Do you make gluten-free pizza at home?


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty