
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Should I Keep My New Hair Style?

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My New Hair Style

I went to get my hair cut on Friday.  The girl really messed it up.  I should have taken pictures but I didn't.  I had to go back today and get it fixed, so they had to cut more off to get it fixed.  

The first 2 pictures were taken today.  The following pictures were taken over the last 8 weeks.  It seems my hair length changes a lot. My hair has been growing fast.  I regret that I didn't get pictures before I had my hair cut fixed.  I cut some of it on Friday after my best friend and my husband agreed that it really looked bad.  It is hard to describe but it was really a mess.  

What do you think?  Should I keep it shorter like it is now or let it grow back out a little?


  1. I really like how it looks now. It looks very stylish :)

    1. Thanks Becca! My husband isn't so sure. I thought it made me look more stylish and edgy too! I may have to keep it this way for a while. At least until I get bored with it.

  2. I love it shorter!!!! Do not grow it, that length is perfect. So much younger on you.

    1. Thanks Lynda! I felt a little naked when I got up from the chair. It is growing on my though. It really feels pretty good now. I think it helps that my face is looking much thinner now too!

  3. It looks lovely on you at the shorter length Betty :)

    1. Thanks Launna, I might get used to it. I am so used to longer hair so it just seems so short.

  4. I usually am a long hair girl, but I do kind of like it shorter. Definitely a bit more stylish and just so becoming on you. But totally is your call and you have to love the way your hair looks (at least that is what I think!! ).

    1. I like it for now, don't know about long term. I am used to longer hair.

  5. I love it hun keep it like it is:)

    1. Thanks, I will see if I can manage it for a while, anyway.

  6. I don't know you and have never read your blog before--but the shorter cut is actually way more flattering to your facial structure than the longer hair. It is very up to date and youthful...and honestly, it makes you look younger.It's actually very flattering. I would stick with the shorter cut! :)

    Sometimes, mistakes happen for a reason!

    1. I am going to see if I like wearing it. I actually like the look too!

  7. I think it really looks good at that length. It makes you look younger. Sorry you had to go through a hair disaster to get there but it looks great now.

    1. Thanks, Kenya! It actually makes me feel younger now too!

  8. You you great in all the pictures, but I think it looks fantastic shorter :)

    1. Thanks Lizzy! I guess it is going to be short, at least for a while.

  9. I think it look good either way but now it is up to you, how you like it :)

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    1. Thanks Anca! I like it for now. I followed you on Bloglovin and Twitter. I didn't see a GFC on your blog.

  10. It's hard to tell because your smile appears broader with the shorter cut. I think it's the smile that is making the difference:)

    1. You could be right Marc! I guess I feel lighter and more energetic. Maybe that is due to the weight loss, but it might be to just feeling different with the new look.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks for giving me your opinion, Cynthia! I am definitely going to go with it for a while. The problem is when I get the next haircut it is never the same.

  12. I think the new cut looks great on you! It's very flattering although I think you looked nice with your hair the other way to. But the new cut makes you look fresh and younger:)

    1. Fresh and younger sounds good! Thanks! I hope I don't get bored with it too soon.

  13. I like the shorter length.... Just my opinion. Also you stopped by my blog yesterday and left a comment. I went to reply back to you and realized that you are a "" which basically means your email address is not connected to your blog. So no one can reply back to your comments.:( If you google this topic you should find plenty of tuturiols that will tell you how to fix the issue.... You had asked the question, what is my exercise routine? in your comment... I thought I would answer that real quick. Basically I try to walk about 3 miles a few times a week. I also have a spin bike at home and try to ride 4 times a week for about 45 mins at a time. Then in between that I just do random ab, arms, and butt exercises for toning. I really need more structure but right now I just have to fit things in when I can. I was going to a group fitness studio for "boot camp" style classes but do to some scheduling conflicts I had to cancel that membership :( I dream of one day being a runner but right now my knees are kind of in bad shape and I have to be very careful not to re-injure them. So thats it. Have a great day. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. You know when I first started blogging I was getting email responses. I don't know why it changed. Someone mentioned it recently and I thought I will have to get it figured out. I am moving my blog to self-hosted Wordpress soon so I might just wait.

      You do exercise a lot. I hope you are able to run soon. I think it is too hard on my body now. I ran when I was younger.

  14. The first two pictures are adorable! I typically don't even like short hair, but it looks great on you.

    1. Thanks! I usually like the longer length myself, but I really liked the way this looked when they did it. Now, the thing is, can I make it look like they did?

  15. I really like the new cut. It makes you look younger. :D

    1. Thanks! I certainly can't argue with looking younger!!

  16. I love the new look. It is fresh and it is very flattering on you! Keep it!!!

    1. I am going to keep it for now. I hope I can make it look as good as they did. Thanks for the compliments.

  17. I love it short. I think it looks very sleek and stylish. You almost have a 20's flapper thing going on. :)

    1. You know, Jennifer, that is the same impression I had when I looked in the mirror. So a 20's flapper is exciting and full of energy. I like that!!!

  18. I really like the short. It looks sassy! Also, I have pretty much the same haircut.

  19. I like the short style. I'm trying to decide on bangs or no bangs -- what do you think?

  20. I love love love it shorter! As for being a no-reply blogger -- it is probably because you are on Google+ which makes no sense at all but I have the same problem. I don't have a blogger account but I do have Google+. So far I haven't found a way around it without giving up the Google+ account... Let me know if you do!

  21. Hope you don't mind me saying, but you did ask. The shorter hairstyle really suits your face and it takes years off you, you look much younger and it looks quite trendy.

  22. I like it much better shorter on you! You look 10 years younger.

    Men can be funny about short hair on women though. Stupid sexists. ;)

  23. Short is perfect!!! The third picture is nice compared to other pictures. There is no doubt that women in Shortcut Hairstyles are beautiful, confident.

  24. I think the shorter cut is more stylish and chic. It goes along with your slimmer happier face. I'd even consider going shorter and cropping the back. Either way you look fantastic!

    Barbara @


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty