
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Atlanta New Earth Festival

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Atlanta New Earth Festival

I spent the day at the Atlanta New Earth Festival.  It is in the small town of Atlanta, Indiana.  It is a huge festival and the day was beautiful.  The place was so crowded.  There are booths throughout the town.  

I found this repurposed headboard made into a coat rack.  The hooks are made from vintage forks.  I thought this was great looking.  I probably would not buy one in that color, but I loved the overall look of it.

The second thing that I found that I really liked was called Fire Rocks.  They are beautiful natural flaming stones.  They can be used indoors or outdoors.   You fill them will an oil and they will burn for about 3 hours.  They provide a little funnel to refill the oil. 
I would love one for my deck.  I have to get my husband's okay on it.  He is picky about what we use on the deck.  He is worried about keeping us safe.   Here is one of the fire rocks burning.  It is hard to see the 3 flames in the photograph.

I went to the festival with a friend and her teenage daughter.  It was a fun day and I got a few ideas of things to create.  The Atlanta Earth Festival is held 2 days each September.


  1. I miss going to festivals like this one you went to. I really need to find out more about by community and the festivals that happen here in Vegas. I think that headboard is a good idea. I may not pass them up at yard sales anymore and try this out.

    1. I hope you are able to find festivals in your area. Vegas doesn't sound like a festival kind of town, but I'm sure when you are away from the resort/gambling area it's a lot like any other area. I have seen a lot of great things made with old headboards.

  2. I like fall festivals too. This headboard was so quirky and cute... definitely a neat idea. I've never heard of the Fire Rocks before... another interesting idea. Yeah, definitely get the hubby's okay on it. It might save you an earful, lol. (Blog Hop Blitz)

  3. I LOVE art festivals and we usually have several good ones this time of year! Great finds!

    1. Thanks! The day for the festival was gorgeous. I think I will get to another one later this week.

  4. Love the headboard. I love seeing crafts made with repurposed items. Thanks for sharing. (Dropping by from the blog hop:

    1. Aren't repurposed items just the most fun? It's great to see what you can make with something totally different.

  5. Love this! Thanks for sharing. The headboard is clever. I love seeing crafts made with repurposed items. (from the blog hop:

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I stopped by yours and shared your post.

  6. The coat rack is inventive, I like that they used forks. :)

    1. I thought the forks were a great idea, too! I just can't believe the ideas that people come up with.

  7. Betty, that sounded like a lot of fun. I absolutely love those Fire Rocks. I see them on occasion at our Farmer's Market and I have always wanted one. The converted head board was interesting too!

    1. Thanks Terri! I think I am going to have to have a Fire Rock for outside. I am going to hit another festival this week I think.

  8. I love looking around and getting my own ideas from things I see... actually a better way of doing them for me:)

    1. Yes, I usually don't buy them. I go home and figure out how to do it they way I want too. They had little kits to make your own fire rocks.

  9. Hey, Betty! Congrats, you were selected as one of our Most Valuable Bloggers from the Blog Hop Blitz!!!


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Thanks!!! Betty