
Friday, March 29, 2013

Friends Friday - Picnicking with Steven Tyler

Today is a new day! This is the only day that counts!

I have decided to use Friday to highlight some of the great things I've read this week, or thank people who motivated me.  I have now been around for a few weeks and have found a few blogger friends.  Each week I will be linking a few of the people who have been helpful to me with weight loss tips, or blogs I really enjoy.  Sometimes, I will highlight a post I found particularly good.   I really enjoy reading blogs and seeing what is going on with other people.  I like posts that just make me smile, sometimes.  Please take a moment to visit the links and see what you think!

The Owl's Skull:  Spring Break Projects - I missed this a couple of weeks ago.  I love the stairs!

Janine's Confession of a Mommyaholic  - I found a great blog hop there!  Finish the Sentence Fridays.

Sky n Surf - Msg part 1 - Gwen is educating us on the unhealthy additives that the food giants are adding to our food.  

Grandma's Briefs - I just found her blog this week and I love it!

Notions from Nonny - Another blog I have found recently that has lots of great posts!

Check out these blogs!!!

And now for the Question of the Week from Finish the Sentence Friday Hop #13

And now for this week’s sentence to finish:  “If I could hang out with any celebrity, it would be…”
Next week’s sentence to finish: ”A typical day in my life looks like..”

About 10 years ago, I was in Washington D.C. for National Police Week.  My first husband was a police office who died in the line of duty.  Each May there is a national memorial service in our nation's capital.  It is actually a week long event.  

On the night of May 13, there is a candlelight vigil when all the names of the new officer's are read, the names have been added to the wall before the service.  Usually the President or Vice President is in attendance.  

There are a few days of seminars that are lead by grief counselors to help the survivor's.  The families of most of the officer's who have died the previous year are in attendance.  

On May 15, there is a huge memorial service on the lawn of the U.S. Capitol building.  The week ends with a picnic at the U.S. Coast Guard facility.

On this particular year, when I got to the picnic, word was going around that Steven Tyler was coming.  Apparently, that afternoon some of the kids had been at The Hard Rock Cafe down the street from the Police Memorial and Steven Tyler had come in.  He took time to sit down and talk to the kids.  

The adult that was with the group told them they had to get going or they would be late for the picnic.  Steven said, "I want to go to a picnic!"  So they invited him to come along.  He came to the picnic with the kids!  It wasn't planned, he just decided to come.  There was no publicity, it was never reported in the news.

Steven came to the party and hung out for quite a while.  He talked to people, took pictures with people, and believe it or not before he left he sang to us.  There was a police band on an outdoor stage performing as he walked around and talked to people.  Before he left he walked to the stage and asked the lead singer, a female police officer, if he could perform with them.  Well, of course, she said, "Yes"!  

He jumped up on stage and asked them if they knew "Walk this Way".  They said they did.  So he sang to the group at the picnic.  It was certainly a memorable event.  

I really hadn't thought much about him before this event, but since then I have paid much more attention to him.  He has some issues that he has to deal with, but he seems to be a sincerely nice man.  When I watched him on American Idol last year I said that is exactly the way he acts.  He is just a fun at heart type of guy.

So, if I got to hang out with a celebrity I would chose to spend an afternoon hanging out with Steven Tyler.  I am not a big celebrity type person, I just think he is a incredibly nice man.

I wish I knew where the pictures were I took that day, but since I am packing for vacation I haven't had time to look for them.  I also have beautiful pictures of the memorial services I have attended in Washington D.C. that I may have to post some day.


  1. What a great story! It is so nice to see examples of kindness--regardless of celebrity status.

    1. I know, that was what I felt was so impressive. So many celebrities will come to something if they are getting paid or they are getting publicity. He just wanted to brighten the day for those kids.

  2. Wow, that is a really amazing story! So glad you found us and linked up! Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. Thanks Stephanie. I have really enjoyed this blog hop. It is so much fun to see how everyone responds to the questions.

  3. Betty, I always liked Aerosmith, but from your story I truly have a new found respect for Steven Tyler. Sounded like a really wonderful experience and just lovely down to earth thing for him to do. Thanks seriously for sharing and linking this up with us and hope you will continue to link up with us in the future, too!! :)

    1. I love this blog hop. It is my favorite one to do. I love reading all the responses.

      I was never a fan of Aerosmith, but I am now.

  4. Thanks for sharing that story; very cool! And thanks for the shout out! :)

  5. Wow that is so cool! I love it when you hear about celebs that do things without recognition. Enjoy your vacation!

    1. Hi Betty,

      That was a great story! After reading it, I see Steven Tyler in a whole new light :). He really is cool! Enjoy your vacation!

  6. Thanks so much for sharing! Sometimes the unexpected brings such great joy! Have a wonderful vacation!

    1. Thanks Georgia. Your right the unexpected can be really great sometimes.

  7. Funny, he was my sister's "brush with celebrity." We grew up around Boston, as did he, and they both ended up alone in a restaurant a bazillion years back. I think someone had just left his table and she was waiting for my now brother-in-law, so they sparked up a conversation. She said he was super nice and down to earth. :)

    1. I think he really likes people and he doesn't seem to act like he is special. I bet your sister really enjoyed meeting him.

  8. I always liked Steven on American Idol. He was fun and refreshing and funny!

    1. I though he added a lot to the show!

    2. I liked him so much on there. He was just so much fun and he enjoyed the music.

  9. That's such a great story, it is so nice to know that he is the same "in real life" as he was on TV. A great take on FTSF!

  10. Wow, what a neat story. That's so cool. It's cool when celebrities do stuff like that, just to be nice.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty