
Friday, March 29, 2013

Watching your Weight on Birthdays!

Today is a new day! This is the only day that counts!

I think I have figured out how to get through another birthday party.  My husband is having a birthday now.  My son and I have both given up sugar.  He gave it up for Lent and I gave it up to get rid of my ring of fat encircling my belly, and other areas of my body.

I asked my husband if he needed cake for his birthday.  He said I won't be able to eat if by myself.  He had a forlorn look on his face.  I think many people feel like it's not a birthday celebration without cake and ice cream.  I know that is part of having a birthday for my husband.

I thought about it for a while, we weren't going to have anyone else over.  My daughter was getting ready to head out of town, and everyone is really busy.

I remembered this really great cupcake shop that my husband has always talked about going to.  We eat at a restaurant down the street.  He has mentioned going to get a cupcake every time we pass it.  I thought If I got a cupcake for him there would not be any leftover cake to sit and stare me right in the face.

I went to Gigi's and picked up cupcakes yesterday.  Yes I did say cupcakes plural.  I couldn't decide which one he would like the best so I picked up two.  They are both his!  He can celebrate two days in a row.

When I got the cupcakes out, he was very pleased.  He said, "I know you love me!"  Then he mentioned that he doesn't like cake without ice cream.  Well I had already thought of that.  I had also purchased him ice cream to go with his cupcake.  
I had one nice big candle and we sang Happy Birthday and he had one of his cupcakes.  He has the other one for when he gets back from his quick jaunt to Chicago for work today.  I forgot to take a picture of the first cupcake, it was a dark chocolate with buttercream frosting and chocolate chips on it.

The second cupcake is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.  I bet some of you can bake great cupcakes like these, but it is difficult to bake just one or two, so it was easier to go buy one of these delicious smelling cupcakes.  Its okay!  I am allowed to smell them. 


  1. Great solution! You might check to see if you have a Nothing Bundt Cakes by you. They make THE most amazing bundt cakes; the frosting is to die for; it stays soft for days, and best of all, they come in 'bundlet' sizes....similar to cupcake size! :D

    1. Sounds great! I don't remember ever seeing the name. I'll have to check for it. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Great suggestion, my birthday is next month and I was having trouble figuring out a solution to the problem!

    I also wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Versatile award, it's on my page if you want to check it out. Have a great weekend!

    1. My husband shared his second cupcake with my son's friend! He said the second one was better than the first.

      Thanks for nominating me for the Versatile Award!!

  3. Smart choice!
    And for those who do eat sugar, the cupcake will at least keep them from going back for seconds and thirds!!

  4. That's a really good idea! It's easy to make cupcakes but you can't just make two, can you? Hope your hubby enjoyed them :-)

    1. Thanks. When you make cupcakes then you have way too many and you feel like you can't waste them. Those cupcakes are delicious too! I had one about a year ago. And at 3.25 each I have a hard time buying

  5. Happy birthday to your husband, and that cupcake you've got in the picture does look fabulous. :)

    1. He said that one was the best. He shared it with my son's friend. They both liked it. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

  6. Very clever! A birthday cupcake all to yourself is a special way to celebrate the one you love.

    1. Yes I think he felt special. Cake just for the birthday boy!


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Thanks!!! Betty