
Sunday, March 31, 2013

I lost ten pounds in one day!!!!

Today is a new day! This is the only day that counts!

April Fool's!!!!

I just wanted to talk about all of the ads that are out there that promise unreachable results.  We all know that it is probably impossible to lose 10 pounds in a day, but these ads grab our attention.  We all want instant weight loss and rapid results.

The problem with rapid weight loss is that you can lose the weight, but in all likelihood you will regain it back pretty quickly.  Permanent weight loss is about learning new habits and making life changes that you can live with for the long haul.

You can use diet pills, but is that something you want to do forever to take the weight off and keep it off?  Is taking pills really helping you to be the healthy person you want to be?  Even the use of shakes is not starting a new better eating habit.  Changing forever consists of eating healthier foods and exercising regularly.  You do not have to change everything about your food habits.  Start by making small changes. Make changes that you can live with.

If you make small changes and lose weight more slowly you can learn to maintain this.  It can take a while to lose this way, but you can make new habits that last a lifetime.

What do you overindulge in?  My biggest issue is sugar.  I started by eliminating sugar completely.  I have learned over the years that sugar is a problem for me.  I have to totally stay away from it for now.  I don't know if I can ever have small amounts of sweets.  Can I just eat a small piece of cake on a special occasion? I don't know.   That's something I will have to figure out after I get my weight down to where I need to be.  I don't tend to overeat other foods.  I can just eat smaller portions of most foods and learn the correct portion for me.

I believe this is the best way to get to a healthy weight and stay there.  My doctor has encouraged me to lose only 2 to 3 a pounds month, which just seems so slow, but if I lose the weight permanently I can wait a little longer to reach my goal.

I am not weighing in this week.  I will be weighing in next Monday.  I hope vacationing isn't slowing me down.


  1. Awwwww you had me there for a minute.

    1. I would click on that too. We all want to lose weight quickly.

  2. You are too funny! LOL (you are my first 4/1 joke of the day, even though it's 10:44 pm 3/31. Have a great April!

    1. Yes we are a few hours ahead of you. I am on vacation so getting things in while I can. It sucks trying to do these things on mobile. I miss my computer.

  3. My big issue is salty and crunchy. If only there was a "magic" pill for those cravings. I am starting to learn to accepting a slower weight loss. It is a much healthier and more realistic way for me.

    1. I think as you age it becomes more important to take the slower approach.

  4. oh you got me!!! I thought maybe you were sick and that was how you lost 10 lbs in one day. (Is that even possible?) Forgot it was April fools day.


    1. Betty TaylorApril 1, 2013 at 7:58 AM
      Sorry. I just was trying to think of an April Fool's joke and I thought that would be it for weight loss readers. I really don't think it's possible.

  5. Very good article. Made me laugh. :)

  6. Cute, I sort of knew that it would be a catch if your were here to post about But so true if you loss fast it is likely to return face and it would probably be a health risk along with a wt lost of this natural if it was so.
    Living F.A.B.ulously on Purpose

    1. Yes, but everyone always wants the quick way. Myself included.

  7. I also have a huge sugar addiction! I think I would lose weight if I could stop eating candy but I am worse than kids!!
    But yes... you are so right about all those diets and promises that are out there. There is no miracle weight loss... it's about forming life long good habits

    1. Sugar addiction is so hard. It's a drug. I can not eat any for six months and then get a taste of sugar and just want more and more.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty