
Monday, April 1, 2013

Blogging A-Z April Challenge - Airports and Airplanes

I was going through reading my usual blogs this morning and read a blog post by Coffee Lady at my morning cup of coffee. She was talking about starting the A-Z Blogging Challenge here. It sounds like something fun to do. I will probably do this one plus my regular postings but I may not get two in every day. We'll see.

Today I am writing about the letter A for airplanes and airports.

We fly out on Saturday to head to Florida for Spring Break. My husband, son, my son's friend and myself. We got on the plane and the first thing that the boys pointed out was how old the flight attendants were. I looked around and realized they were right, there were four flight attendants and not one of them was under 50. One of them was quite definitely much older than that. As I thought about it, I remembered that the last few times I have flown most if the flight attendants were a little older.

I wondered if the retirement for the attendants has gotten so poor that the women can't afford to retire. My husband said they were all grouchy. I did notice that they did not have a very friendly approach. I know the airlines have made lots of cuts over the last several years. Maybe they aren't hiring any younger people and the crews are made up of all older people. I wouldn't want to be flying all over the country at my age.

Just something I noticed.

Also I have a question, why do they put the little curtain between the first class and the coach sections. Are they afraid that if they see each other that people won't like it? I mean, really, I know they get more in first class, they pay good money for it. I don't expect to get those little perks. Do the people in first class not want to see those back in coach, because they might be offended by them. I don't know. I just think it's silly. Sure, someday I would like to travel in first class, just to sit in those big, roomy seats. I will have seen everyone walk through by me so I don't think I need to be shut off by a curtain later.

Okay there is my rant for the day!


  1. As a former flight attendant (10 years with United), I can answer that question for you. As you get more senior (say, 25 yrs or more flying), you get better and better schedules and pay. We are talking 17 days OFF a month or more. Trips to London and Hawaii. You stay in nice hotels. Then you can "drop" trips too if you want. You also can fly anywhere you want stand-by for free. Why would you quit that job?????? The only reason I quit was because I had kids and wanted to stay home with them.


    1. That sounds good. I have a couple of friends who are pilots and they were complaining about pay cuts and cuts in their pensions. I wondered if that was affecting the flight attendants.

  2. I haven't flow in awhile. I never thought about the curtain between first class and coach until you mentioned it. That is a good point why do they seperate it.

    1. It justs seems unneeded to me. It feels like they are still trying make them feel like they are protecting them from average people.

  3. They separate it because of the potential celebrity status up front? And yeah, probably so they don't have to see the 'little people' / masses behind them. LOL

    1. They usually seat them first and then walk everybody else through right past them. Maybe a true celebrity waits and comes on last.

  4. I personally love the idea of loitering behind the "curtain" and giving it the odd twitch - I am flying to England soon (I think) and will definitely be at the back of the plane, so may well try this out!

    I hope you had a lovely Easter.

    Kate x
    Kate at Home

    1. That would be fun. Let me know how it goes.

  5. I wonder if the curtain is so that the economy people don't get to see the 1st class people and don't get jealous of the 1st class people. It might lead to a mutiny maybe lol. Or is it that the 1st class people are snobs and just don't want to know that the "little" people are "back there". Maybe they want to think they're the ones up there lol. Or someone just plain wants it to look "nice".......forgive me but I'm 55 this month and I've started getting a bit "funny"!!


    1. Betty TaylorApril 1, 2013 at 6:28 PM
      I like " funny". I am 58. I think as each year passes I get a clearer vision on life. We were sitting right close to the curtain and I just started thinking "why".

  6. Hi Betty! That's very interesting about the flight attendants! Have fun in Florida and be safe! Have a blessed week!

  7. Funny post..As a former flight attendant who took an early retirement (or just plain quit) I still have many friends who are flying. The more senior you get the better trips and with a great chunk of days off so with all of the perks no one wants to leave! Florida is not a senior trip...usually very Jr. My husband is a pilot and is never home because we live so far from his home base. Sigh. As for the curtain..I thought after 9 -11 they were not allowed to be closed. We all know WHY. I always closed it prior to 9/11 because those were the rules. The Iron Curtain was supposed to discourage economy people from using the lav in first class, using the area up there to hang out and stretch, ask for drinks that are free in first class and $$ in economy, keep the area clear for the pilots to use the restroom & THE NUMBER ONE answer is oxygen masks..if there is a rapid decompression or a loss of cabin pressure and you need an oxygen mask and you are not near your seat to grab your OWN are in trouble. So it is really a safety issue and to keep people from even thinking about going near the flight deck.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty