
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday: Can I stay in bed all day???

My week has been crazy!

I was supposed to have a biopsy on Friday, it got postponed.  My doc had a delivery.  I got my hair done instead.  I am doing the biopsy on Monday, I hope.  I just want to get it over with and find out what is going on.  I don't like not knowing.  I really feel like everything's fine, but I would love to hear the doc say that.  Okay, another prayer would be appreciated!

I have been to 4 high school baseball games this week.  I wore my snowsuit to one of them and used hand warmers.  I probably should have at a second one, but I chose to shiver through the other one.  A couple of games I was able to wear short sleeves and just pull a sweat shirt on later.  Our weather has gone bi-polar on us.  Predictions are next week will be the same.  Some days with a high in the upper 70's, some days highs in the low 40's.  Crazy!!

I had to feed the varsity team three times this week, and I have to feed the junior varsity 4 times next week and make it to 4 varsity games.  I am in charge of getting the teams fed for all away games, and collecting the money from the parents and handling the purchase of all the food and bookkeeping.  The season in only about 2 months!!

Next weekend is Prom!  I still have a few things to do for that!

Yesterday, we got a call that my husband's mother was going in for emergency surgery.  She is in terrible health to begin with.  She had to have part of her colon removed and be put on a bag.  He spent most of the evening at the hospital with her. I'm glad!  They are going to keep her out of it for a few days to allow for some healing.  She has Emphysema so her lungs are in really bad shape.  They need to keep her calm.  More prayers, please!!

I guess I can't stay in bed, so I guess I should get a move on.  My oldest grandson's baseball starts today so I need to get to one of his two games.  I need to get both my sons tax returns to them today since deadline is tomorrow.  I also did those this week.  A friend called me in distress this week and I did her taxes.  She was freaking out because deadline was near and she couldn't figure them out and couldn't really afford to pay to have them done.  We whipped those out and then she was nice enough to buy me lunch and we had time for a fun visit.  Well worth it!

I am going to have to quit being so lazy and start getting things done around here for my son's graduation open house.

Oh, I may have to take a blog vacation!  Probably not, I actually think blogging helps me maintain my sanity for now.  It certainly can't last much longer.  I think I am on the verge of INSANITY!!!  When your insane do you know it?  Maybe not!  Maybe I have reached it and they just haven't told me.  Come to think of it, my husband had mentioned it a few times!!!  Hmm!!

I think my weight is doing pretty well this week.  Weigh-in tomorrow!!!


  1. My goodness, gracious me! You keep on blogging gal, you sound as though you need some outlet or you'll go pop!

    Try to find some place to breathe - meanwhile, I'll keep praying for you! I thought my life was hectic, but compared to yours, no way.

    All the best - and keep smiling


    1. Thanks, I love being busy, but sometimes I think I take on too many things and life throws a few curveballs.

      Prayers are very much appreciated!!

  2. Oh my goodness you are going to have a crazy week!! Sending prayers


    1. Betty TaylorApril 14, 2013 at 9:34 AM
      Thanks Suzi, I really appreciate all the prayers!

  3. I hope your biopsy is nothing. You sound like you need a strong drink...or maybe a Valium. Kidding, sort of. I've only had three valiums in my life. Oh, so smooth. Sending positive thoughts.

  4. Prayers for you and your MIL. Hope your biopsy is all negative. :)

    1. Thanks Gwen! I am having good thoughts for both. They have her sedated for a few days.

  5. You have a lot on your plate right now--figuratively speaking, of course! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thanks Kristi, I appreciate all your prayers!

  6. OMG, what a week! I wouldn't survive it without a break down (like screaming at someone, hehe)
    Don't you dare take a break from blogging, it does help us during hard times!


    1. Thanks Petro, My husband said that things roll off of me like water off a duck. I do believe that is true sometimes. I would much rather be happy so I just work at that. I really do enjoy blogging so I am sure I will be trying to keep up. I guess that's why I have a iPad and a iPhone. When I have a few minutes of down time I can grab one of them and write.

  7. I'll definitely be praying today for the biopsy...and I'll also be praying for sanity for you in the midst of the craziness!

    1. Thanks, I gladly accept all prayers! Hope things are going well with you, Mary Fran.

  8. That exhausted me, just reading about everything you have going on. I will be thinking of you and hoping everything works out well. I do agree with the other comments that blogging can help release some stress, if you need it.

    1. I usually try to use the blog for happy thoughts, I don't want to be too negative. It helps me to look at all the good things going on in life. Although sometimes I just rant about something that got under my skin that day.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty