
Monday, April 15, 2013

A-Z Blogging Challenge - Does my Grandson Have A Mugshot In His Future**!!??

My five year old grandson may have a mugshot in his future if his career goals play out!!  I decided to use mugshot as my M word.

My daughter took my two grandsons to the pediatrician for their check-ups a few days ago.  The pediatrician was talking to the two boys and she asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up.

My 10 year old grandson told her he hasn't decided yet.  The little one popped up with his answer.  He knew immediately what he wanted to be.  He said, "I am going to be a robber!"  Well the doctor was a little thrown off by this and she asked him "why do you want to be a robber?"  Well his answer to that was "So, I don't have to learn how to read."  

My daughter has been working with him on learning his letters and starting to read.  Apparently, that's something he would prefer not to do.  

The doctor also asked the boy's "do you eat healthy?"  The older one told that "yes, I do".  Of course, the little one had an answer for that, he said, "I eat junk!"  and he was very proud of it.  Since his parents are a pediatrician and a cardiologist, I am sure he doesn't eat that much junk.

My older grandson is very serious in nature and always has been.  This little one is just so different.  He is the one that will talk to anyone and may just say anything.  He has gotten to do lots of things because of his outgoing nature.  

My daughter doesn't like to have her children's photo's posted so I can't post any pictures of them.

Gary Brackett, of the Indianapolis Colts, came to visit his day care one day.  Little guy was in the hallway when he came into the building.  He was 3 at the time, since he had an older brother who was a Colt's fan he knew who it was.  He just walked over to Gary and said, "Hey Gary Brackey, I want to tackle you!"  He wasn't able to pronounce his name correctly yet , but he actually got to tackle a professional football player.

Gary visited his school again the next year.  The class was on the playground and little guy saw him come out onto the playground.  He ran over to him and said, "Hey I bet you can't catch me!"  He took off running and Gary Brackett chased him all over the playground and through the playground equipment.  The teachers took video and pictures.  

I am hoping the little guy chooses to use this wonderful personality to do something impressive in life.  I expect whatever he chooses to do he will be good at it.  

I just hope that he someday learns to read and the career he decides upon does not put him in line for a future mugshot.  

His mother jokingly told him that some jobs require you to have vaccinations, and she's not sure but a robber might have to have several.  

He may just have to change his career path, he doesn't like shots any more than he likes reading! 


  1. The older grandson sounds like my Joe. The younger sounds like a total hoot. I wonder if the grandsons get along.

    1. They gat along pretty good really. The little one runs most things, until his big brother won't play with him anymore. Then he begs big brother to play. He loves the attention from big brother. Actually he just loves attention!

  2. Hahaha, the little one is so adorable and so much fun! Not for the parents though, I've learnt that first hand. But I'm sure he will grow up to become someone great, he is fearless, honest and innocent and hopefully will stay like that forever.
    Thanks for linking up, it means a lot to me, especially that I know you are crossing some hard times with the biopsy :( I hope it will turn out ok.

    Take good care of you and have a wonderful, happy week.

    1. Yes I really believe his personality will take him far. He stresses his mom out sometimes though.

      Glad you stopped by!

  3. Thanks, that little guy keeps me smiling!

  4. First off, congrats on the weight loss! You rock!! And second your grandson sounds adorable! Good luck on keeping him from earning a mugshot! Very funny post!

    1. Thanks Loy! On both things! Maybe if we teach him to read then he will raise his aspirations!

  5. Too funny! Your grandson sounds like my son when he was little. At one point, I didn't think he would even get accepted into junior kindergarten. He wasn't bad, he was just like Dennis the Menace, but he grew up into a fine young man.

    1. My little guy has such charm that the teachers all love him. His dad thinks he may never read though! I keep telling them he hasn't reached kindergarten yet. Give home time!

  6. LOL, I think he'll be just fine. :)

    And that's awesome about the football player coming to the school twice, and your grandson including him in the play. ;)

    1. Yes, we were very impressed with him. Little guy was upset when they traded him!

  7. This was cute! I suspect your grandson considers broccoli and salad to be "junk food." Something tells me he will keep his parents and you as well on your toes but he will be just.. fine!

    1. We just wait around for the daily stories, there are new ones every day. He goes around the ball park and all of the parents bring snacks for him. The call him the "cookie monster."


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Thanks!!! Betty