
Friday, May 31, 2013

FTSF - My Favorite Movie of All Time Is.........

Here I am back with another Finish the Sentence Friday.  Janine from Janine's Confession of A Mommyholic is hosting.  This is such a fun link-up.  I love reading all the finished sentences.  I am so amazed at the many original responses.  

The sentence this week is My Favorite Movie of All Time is ......

I am having a hard time with this one.  My favorite movie seems to change all the time, but what is my favorite of all time.


When I was younger I rewatched several movies many times.  I remember I went through a Gone With The Wind phase.  I loved that movie for a while.  I watched the movie recently and thought it was okay, but wondered why I was obsessed with it during those younger years.  I think maybe movies connect with your life at the time so when your life changes your favorite movies change.

One of my favorite movies during the last year or so was Midnight in Paris.  I watched it just before I went to France and I watched it several times in between my France trip and my Europe trip when I knew I would be spending more time in Paris.  The Parisian scenery is so fantastic!  It just made me feel like I was in Paris.

When I was younger I loved Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail.  I just loved the characters in the movies.  I think I may have been single at the time.  I think it gave me hope that the perfect someone could just show up anywhere.

As I have gotten older I like more of the movies that reflect my age group.  I really enjoyed Hope Springs with Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones.  I guess I could connect with their older lives now.  My husband enjoyed it too!  Of course, I had to make him watch it.

I always enjoy a good comedy so I was always loved the silly Vacation movies.  We have to watch Christmas Vacation around the holidays.  I don't care how many times we watch the movies they are still funny.  The grandsons love them now.

I love anything with the Saturday Night Live Cast.  Bridesmaids made me laugh until I cried.  

So when it comes to choosing an all time favorite, I have failed.  I just couldn't do it!  And frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.


  1. Totally forgot about Gone with the Wind, still such a classic. I watch every time it is on TV even how long it is. And Bridesmaids seriously is so funny that I have watched on HBO/MAX too many times at this point. Thank you for always linking up with us and hope you have a great weekend!! :)

    1. Your blog prompts are so much fun!!! Gone With the Wind is so long, but I can keep watching it. I laugh every time I see Bridesmaid. This sister of the groom is hilarious!

  2. Hi, I almost chose Gone with the Wind, but then settled for Mockingbird! I have to admit I haven't seen the rest of the films you chose, I don't do movies much. But I enjoyed the post regardless! See you again soon!

    1. Thanks Joan, I haven't seen Mockingbird for so long. I'll have to watch again.

  3. My favorite is definitely The Godfather! I quote it all the time. I have actually never seen any of the movies you wrote about except the National Lampoon movies, because I love silly comedies.

    1. I watched The Godfather when it first came out and read the books. I haven't seen it for years now. I could watch it again.

  4. Hey! I nominated you for the "Liebster Award". There's instructions on my blog if you want to play along. It's a great way to find some new blogs!

    Tiff @

    1. I so appreciate the nomination, but with my son's graduation coming up next week I just really don't have the time right now. Maybe once I get through the graduation.

  5. I LOVED Bridesmaids! The only thing I regret about it is watching it with my 12 yo son and my mother.

    1. Oh! That would be a rough one to watch with your son and mother. Those first scenes were a little uncomfortable.

  6. Groundhog Day. The quality of our life is how we treat ourselves and others and the words we say, every day, day after day. I prefer romantic comedies.

    1. I am not sure if I have ever seen Groundhog Day. Is that the one with Bill Murray? The sentiment is good though. I do like romantic comedies too! Hope Springs kind of fits that, for a more mature romance.

  7. Gone with the Wind. I will never forget going to see it in the theater. Wow! What a long movie. But I loved it. It was my introduction to Clark Gable, one of my mother's favorite actors:)
    Movies, like music, color the choreography of our lives. Favorites at one time simply get archived to make room for new releases. It's nice to know you can go back into the vault every now and again:)

    1. I didn't know until a few years ago that Clark Gable was good friends with my dad's cousin. I loved Clark Gable in that movie when I was younger. He has a certain flair that actors today don't have. I watched it just a couple of months ago with my 18 year old son. He loves the Civil War history in the movie.

  8. Loved the Rhett Butler last line. I not only saw the movie "Gone with the Wind" but read the books twice.

    1. I did read the books!! I was totally in love with the movie back in the day. Probably with Rhett!

  9. Loved the Rhett Butler last line. I not only saw the movie "Gone with the Wind" but read the books twice.

  10. I loved the last line from Rhett Butler. I really enjoyed Gone With the Wind. I not only watched the movie repeatedly, but also read the books twice. I liked Scarlett because of all her mistakes. There was something about surviving despite all the odds against you in a world that doesn't like you. It just pulls at me.

    1. Yes, she was weak and ultra feminine in some ways, but very strong when she needed to be. I always wanted him to go back with Scarlet though. She really loved him.

  11. Shawshank Redemption, The King's Speech, The Help, The Full Monty, About a Boy, etc

    1. I loved Shawshank Redemption, and I have watched The Help repeatedly. I know The King's Speech is supposed to be excellent, but I have seen it. I know I haven't seen The Full Monty, I think I saw About A Boy, but I don't remember it.
      The Help was a great movie, I also read the book. I liked reading about the times it was set in. I grew up during the Martin Luther King era.

  12. Replies
    1. Lyle, I don't know if I have ever seen that one. May need to find it and take a look.

  13. UGH! Gone with the Wind just gave me a bad memory. I loved that movie - still do actually - but while I was living in New Orleans, it came out in the theatres again for some reason. My aunt and one of my cousins called me to go with them, so I thought it would be cool to see it on the big screen. Boy was that a mistake! It seemed like the longggggggggggest movie evvvvvvvvvvvvvver when sitting through it that way! I've never heard of Hope Springs, but seeing Tommy Lee Jones in the pic reminded me of another great movie - JFK - also very long LOL. [#FTSF]

    1. I watched GWTW at home last time. I think the intermission is well placed, time for a break. We ordered pizza and took a break to eat and then watched the rest. It is so long! I bet it is great to watch on the big screen, just a long time to sit. I haven't seen JFK, but I heard lots of good reviews when it came out.

  14. I have to agree - movies really touch you at a certain time in life. And many of those memories still stick with me, in a good way. Although my experience going to see the second Matrix with a girlfriend and her chain-smoking boyfriend wasn't so hot. Hmm...

    1. Maybe you are right too! I didn't think about it but the people you watch the movie with may have some impact on your feelings for the movie.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty