
Friday, June 21, 2013

FTSF: My Dinner Partner! Who Would You Choose?

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Here I am back with another Finish the Sentence Friday.  Janine from Janine's Confession of A Mommyholic is hosting.  This is such a fun link-up.  I love reading all the finished sentences.  I am so amazed at the many original responses. 

This Week's Finish The Sentence Friday is.......

If I Could Have Dinner With Anyone In History It Would Be....

I had to think about his one for a while.  I have been studying my family history for about a year.  There are several of my ancestors I would really love to know more about.  I didn't want to go that route though.  So I had to think more along the lines of historical figures. 

Since I made a trip to London last fall and got to see so many of the historical sites there, I chose King Henry VIII.  Now ol' Henry was an interesting man.  He wasn't very easy on the wives though.

Henry only lived to be around 56 years old.  Unfortunately, some of the wives didn't get to live very long, due to Henry.

He had six wives and this is what happened to them:

Catherine of Aragon-Divorced, Died under Guard
Anne Boleyn - Off With Her Head
Jane Seymour - Died After Giving Birth
Anne of Cleves - Divorced
Catherine Howard - Another One Who Lost Her Head
Catherine Parr - Hah!  This one outlived the Bastard!

So, if I had dinner with him, it would be in this day and age.  He wouldn't have any power.  I could tell him what an idiot he was!  

I don't know now that I think about it if it's such a good idea to be alone with him.  My head is pretty special to me!!

After seeing the picture, I don't think they went for his looks.  Must have been his money!

Yep, I guess I will just have dinner with my Great, Great Grandmother, Rachel Huddleston.  She was born in North Carolina in 1788.  Her father served in the Revolutionary War.  They were Quakers.

Rachel took her children and traveled west to Ohio, away from an alcoholic husband.  She had a brother and some sisters who had already moved West.  She eventually moved on to Indiana.  She was a strong woman, who worked hard to survive.

I would enjoy talking to her and finding out about her life.


  1. I vaguely remember learning about Henry VIII back in global studies in high school, but did remember that he was married quite a few time and also recalled Anne Boleyn getting her head chopped off. But I do think your great-great grandmother sounds like a much better choice and really sounded liked a strong willed woman, who who have lots to offer to you in your dinner. So love your choice for sure and thank you Betty for linking up with us again and hope you enjoy the weekend now!! :)

    1. Thanks Janine! I will be back to link up next week. I think my GGG grandmother was a remarkable women. I just wish I could find more of her records.

  2. Ha to telling Henry what an idiot he was. Ouch to off with her head.

    1. Thanks Kristi! I can't imagine how kings got by with anything the way they did back them. I would think the people would revolt. I guess they did in France! Got rid of Louis and Marie!

  3. Now, I'm wondering how to have a conversation with Anne Boleyn, though that might be a tad awkward. And I would love to know what it was like marrying Henry VIII! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. I guess she wasn't so bad. At least she was the first one beheaded. Catherine Howard is the one who should have had her head examined. Oh sorry, she lost that! I don't think I would have given him a second look after the first beheading.

  4. The series about the wives was stupendous, way back when. Such interesting history!

    1. Yes, I always thought it was interesting after visiting the Tower of London about 20 years ago. Our tour guide gave us a little poem to remember what happened to each of the wives. Divorced, Beheaded, Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived. You should see the size of that man's armour!!

  5. Great picks. Henry definitely could have used someone telling him he was an idiot. lol

    1. Yeah, but he probably wouldn't have taken it very well!

  6. Excellent pick...have you watched THE TUDORS? Excellent!!! I learned a lot about him and the wives. Excellent acting. I also love historical fiction...quite the junkie. Love Phillipa Gregory. STARZ movie channel is have a series based on her book of THE WHITE QUEEN..I love historical series too! Cant wait. I know you like history too so save the date!

    1. No, I haven't seen it. I will have to look for it. I watched "The Other Boleyn Sister". I don't know how historically accurate it was, but it was interesting. I will have to look to see if we get STARZ. I'm not sure. I do love history!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty