
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Losing Weight Quickly: Will It Work???

Make sure to take a look at My Weight Loss Blog Directory!!!

The Obesity Epidemic:  

My information comes from the book:  The 100, Count Only Sugar Calories and Lose Up To 18 lbs. in 2 Weeks by Jorge Cruise.

"The spike in weight coincided with the lowering of fat in the diets, while raising the consumption of sugars and carbohydrates" says Jorge Cruise.

"It's important to realize that all forms of carbohydrates are simply and ultimately sugars."  Jorge added.

In reading the book it becomes obvious that we have been told to eat the foods that would make us become fat.

I am not a doctor or scientist, but all this information seems to make sense.

Type 2 Diabetes has been on the rise since we have been told to eat this way.  By the 1990's one in four Americans had become obese.

Now, around 68 percent of Americans are obese or overweight.

So, how are we going to change this trend?

Jorge says the answer is simple.  Consume no more than 100 Sugar Calories a day.  

The big difference here is his definition of Sugar Calories.  All carbs are sugar calories.  He suggests distributing the sugar calories throughout the day and not to consume them in one meal.

I am going to start the diet on Monday.  I get 2 choices:

Option 1:  Follow the 1 Menu

Option 2:  Follow My Meal Planner

Now the thing is to decide which Option to start with.  I can actually mix the two options if it works better for me.  He suggests planning your meals for the entire week and making a shopping list so you are prepared and ready to go.

Jorge says some of his most successful clients prepare as much of the food as possible ahead of time to make their meals effortless.

His menu for Option 1, Week 1, Day 1,  consists of 1501 Calories, but only 33 Sugar Calories.

His meal planner first day consists of 1178 Calories, or 41 Sugar Calories.

As you can see, you get a decent amount of Calories and you can eat Freebies until you are no longer hungry.

Once I start eating the new plan, I will show you what I am eating and let you know how the plan is working.

I am excited about trying out this new diet and can't wait to see how well it works.  

He says this is not a Low-Carb Diet, nor a Low Glycemic Index, Diet, rather, a best of both worlds.

Jorge has one big surprise in the book:  He says that exercise is not effective at helping you lose weight.  He says it is great for overall fitness and has many other benefits, it just doesn't help you to lose weigh.  

I for one know that it makes me look better when I exercise.  It helps to get rid of the flab.  I guess when you are building muscle it stretches out that flabby old skin.

Well, I am about ready to go!

I hope you will be coming along to see how this works!!

My previous posts about what I have learned from book are here.

My New Diet Plan For Fast Weight Loss

My Weight:  Losing 18 Lbs. In Two Weeks

The 100!  Can You Really Count Only Sugar Calories and Lose up To 18 Lbs in 2 Weeks?

This is not a sponsored post.  I am receiving nothing to do this.  It is my own personal research for my own weight loss.

One last thing: 

I told someone at one of the blog hops that I would post my senior picture on my blog.  So here goes:

Yes, that it!  Way back in 1972.  


  1. Hi Betty, that 1972 year book picture is the hair style of that era, that's for sure. There's at least a dozen young ladies in my annual that could pass for your sister:) The 100 sounds very interesting. Be sure to keep us posted on how it's working for you.

    1. Yes Marc, I think we all had the same hair! I had a few different hairstyles through high school. I am hoping for some good results. I don't know that it is that much different from what I am already doing. Maybe just a bit more extreme. Maybe that's what I need to get a jump start on this weight loss.

  2. Sounds like it has a lot in common with both Wheat Belly and The End of Overeating theories. Good luck!

    1. Gwen, I do believe you are right. I think he is going about it just a little differently. It is about healthy carbs and getting away from sugar and wheat. Just thought it might give me a boost.

  3. Hi Betty! Very good post. Interesting information. I'm doing quite a bit of that now, but could always tighten up--so excellent reminder for that. I wish you the best on your upcoming diet. It should be fun and a great learning experience. If you get carb jitters and withdrawal, just live through it because that will eventually go away. If you lose a bunch of weight that would be super thrilling too. I can't wait to see how you do!!! Keep us updated. :D

    :-) Marion

    1. Thanks Marion. Maybe having a plan that is laid out for me will keep me from picking up the occasional thing that I shouldn't be eating. I believe it is similar to many of the low carb/low sugar diets out there. I am hoping there are just enough tweeks to help me get going.

  4. Hi Betty! I am also really interested in how this goes for you. It's kind of interesting as the plan that I follow from my Doc is similar from the sounds of it. I am cheering you on! Also, love the pic. :)

    1. As everyone has mentioned, I don't think this diet is extremely different, just touched up a little. I hope to have good results.

  5. Good luck Betty... I've been eating very healthy for nine days and I've been walking... I feel better. This is a life change for me; I look forward to your updates;-) I am rooting you on:-D

    1. Great job, Launna!!! I hope you keep it up. I will post regulary on the new diet.

  6. I have never been able to eat under 1200 calories :) I use the treadmill everyday, no gluten etc. But I eat about 2000 calories a day, I have a tendency to have low blood sugar, so I snack a lot. The diet sounds interesting. My husband follows something similar, the only carbs he eats are beans (his diet counts them as a carb). Good luck!

    1. You don't really have to stay under 1200 calories. You get lots of Freebies that you can add if you are still hungry. Your freebies can be allowed for snacking. There are carbs allowed but they are lower carb veggies and fruits.

  7. Hey there! Here from the Blog Hop! Just wanted to let you know I'm following you via Pinterest & Twitter! Hope you'll get a chance to check me out!

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    1. Thanks for stopping by! I already follow you on GFC, BlogLovin, Google+ and Pinterest. I will follow you on Twitter.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty