
Wednesday, June 19, 2013


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I have been a scrapbooker for years.  I love scrapbooking.  Here are a few pages I have done recently.  These were taken on my trips to Europe over the last year.  I spend hours putting together the right lay outs, cutting out letters, finding the perfect embellishments.  Scrapbooking is quite costly.

My pictures of my pages are not the best.  I don't have a 12 X 12 scanner so I took pictures with my iPad.  The lovely tan background is my kitchen countertop.  I wish I had a better way to photograph these. 

I really enjoy scrapbooking, but when you have babies and small children it is hard to find time for scrapbooking.  Do you have a hard time keeping up with your baby book?  Do you think you might get time to fill it in when they are getting ready to head to college.  Sometimes life is just too busy to get things done!

Do you post pictures of your babies on Facebook or Tweet your friends about the fun things they do?  I have found an iPad app that allows you to just take those things you have already done and turn them into great scrapbook pages. 

Layout done with Social Scrapbook Pro.

You can move your statuses from Facebook and your tweets from Twitter right into your scrapbook. 

You can get photos from your camera, your Library, Facebook and Twitter.  Once the picture is there you can pinch to zoom in and out, twist to rotate and move forward in the layout.

Next you select custom backgrounds.  The background are focused on babies and their month to month accomplishments.  As you can see I was able to use them to do a layout with my 18 year old son.  Just think what you can do with baby photos!!

Then you can add text, with multiple fonts and font sizes. You can overlay text in the front or over a corner of an image.

Layout done with Social Scrapbook Pro.

There are multiple layouts with openings already made up for your pictures or you can do your own layouts.  Just move the pictures and fonts around until you get what you like.

You can select clip art to embellish your pages.  It has really fun clip art for babies and they are going to be adding more for holidays and other family times.  

There are even borders for your pictures!

When you are all done you can print the pages or email them to family or friends.  Wow!  What a great time and money saver!

I will use this app to make scrapbook pages with my grandsons.  My daughter won't allow their pictures on my blog so I couldn't use them for my samples.  I will be able to do lots of their pictures for my own use and I can sit down and catch up very quickly.

Take a look at this video!!  

Social Scrapbook Pro is available at the iTunes App store for $2.99.

I was given a copy of Social Scrapbook Pro for doing this review.


  1. Great work! But our family already has so many photo one has room for anymore.

  2. I have always wanted to go to Europe. The layouts you show are beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. Very nice, Betty! I have always wanted to sit down to lay pages out like that--but I don't have the attention span for it apparently.

    :-) Marion

  4. Wow, you have talent! I did one scrapbook years ago and you are right, it can get costly. After that, I didn't do it.

  5. Thanks os much for stoppin gby and for following me!! Love the name of your blog!! LOL!! I have both but I am losing both! I have lost 23.7 pounds since March... And have about another 40 pounds to go but the fear of a knee replacement is driving me on and down in poundage!! LOL!!


  6. Wow it's really nice...Beautiful layout. Excellent work you did. I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post. Keep sharing more.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty