
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My New Diet Plan For Fast Weight Loss

Make sure to take a look at My Weight Loss Blog Directory!!!

According to Jorge Cruise "The 100 is not a low-carb diet or a low glycemic index diet - - rather it is a blend of the best of both worlds.

The diet starts with a full four week program that will help to lose up to 18 pounds in the first two weeks.  Afterward it is expected that you can lose 1 to 4 pounds each week consistently.  

All carbohydrates are actually structured as sugars molecularly.  This is the basis of the diet.

Sugar calories means all carbohydrates including starchy vegetables, breads, grains, crackers, cookies, donuts, sugars, honey, juices, sodas,  and so on.

You have to multiply the carbohydrate in any of the above foods by 4 to get the amount of sugar calories.  The 100, stands for the number of sugar calories you can consume in a day.  

So you get to eat 100 Sugar Calories and the rest of the foods fall into the category of Freebies.  You don't track the Freebies.

Although vegetables contain sugar unless they are starchy vegetables they are Freebies.  The fiber in them makes them free.

There are other items on the free list, but he does suggest not overeating on anything.

Drink water when you are thirsty.  Now that makes sense, doesn't it.

If you aren't hungry don't eat.  You have permission to skip a meal.

If you get to the point where you feel full, you have overeaten.

Mr. Cruise gives you the option of two menu plans for your four week weight loss.

Option 1:  Follow the 1 Menu
Option 2:  Follow my Meal Planner 

My next step will be to study the menus to see which plan I am going to try.  

Previous posts about The 100!

1 - Post

2 - Post

Can I commit totally to the plan for 4 weeks to see if it really works? 

I have this crazy thing that it is hard to start something new in the middle of the week.  So I guess that means I will start this plan on Monday.  That doesn't mean I won't be watching my food intake the rest of this week.  I will stick with what I am doing and then switch to The 100 on Monday.


  1. I totally get eliminating all the non-veggie carbs. I'm interested in seeing how he rates the veggies. :)

  2. Whoa! That's a great comprehensive weight loss directory you have there. All the best with your DYW new plan ;)

  3. This plan so far sounds awesome, Betty! You know I am the same for some reason as far as when I start new - it only feels right to start on Monday. :)

  4. I can't start anything in the middle of a week either! That is what Mondays are for :)

  5. Betty, this plan is new to me. I'll look forward to doing a little research and seeing what you have to report. I'm the same way about Mondays! I'm mean really, who starts something significant in the middle of the week?! :)

  6. Sounds interesting! I agree about starting things at the beginning of the week too :)


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty