
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Do you have a bad habit? I do!

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the bad habit

I am linking up with Finish the Sentence Friday.

This weeks sentence is I have a bad habit of........

This is a hard sentence to finish because I seriously don't have any bad habits.  Okay, you're not falling for that.  My husband would probably tell you I have a lot of bad habits.  He would say that I think I have to be right all the time.  That's because he wants to be right all the time.  It's difficult for both of us to be right all the time.  I could go on for a while with the bad habits he would attribute to me.  I guess I am exaggerating a little.

I used to have a bad habit of eating sweets.  I hope that one is gone.

I think my worst habit is procrastination.  I am very bad at putting things off until I absolutely have to do them.  Unfortunately, my son has picked up this habit too!  He drives me crazy, waiting until the last minute.  I wonder if I drive people crazy too?  My son says he works better under pressure.  Me too!

Now don't tell anyone this, especially my husband, but I really do like to be right all the time.  Tell me,  why would anyone want to be wrong?

Tell me your bad habits!

Friendship Friday

the bad habit

  • What’s your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?
  • Has anyone ever planned a surprise party for you?
  • What’s your favorite cake and ice cream combination?
  • Share your favorite birthday memory with us!
My favorite way to celebrate my birthday is with family.  My daughter and husband take charge of the planning and tell my sons to be there.  They all love me and make me feel special!

Yes, I can think of 2 different surprise parties.  Of course, neither of them were really a surprise.  When people start acting different and it's close to your birthday, then something's up.  My first surprise party was for my 25th birthday.  My husband had died a few months before.  My friends were worried about me having my first birthday without him.  It was so sweet of them, I tried to act happy to make them feel appreciated.

My next surprise party was for my 50th.  My daughter and my husband planned it.  She told him to keep it a surprise, he's not very good at that.  It was a fantastic party!  After the party he took me on a cruise.  It was a great birthday.

I am not going to talk about cake and ice cream.  I am not eating those things anymore.  Bring thin and healthy is so much better than eating sweets.  

I already told you about my favorite birthday in recent years.  In the past it was celebrating my birthday with mom.  Her birthday was the day before mine and we celebrated together.  She has been gone for 15 years now so my birthday celebration has been without her physically, but she is always there with me.

Tell me about your birthdays!

I will be linking up with a few other hops today!  Come and join me!

TGIF Fridays
Freedom Fridays Blog Hop
Fun Friday Blog Hop
Friday Link Party

Today was a busy day.  We took another trip to Bloomington to go to Indiana University.  My husband had a business meeting there this evening.  My son and I decided it would be a good time to have another trip to campus.  

the bad habit

The three of us started out by going to the Bursar's office.  Time to pay the bill!  Ouch!!  We had to deliver some scholarship money he had received and pay the rest of his money for the first semester.

After that we stopped to fill out employee paperwork.  My son is going to work the desk in his dorm around 8-10 hours per week.  His first time to fill out employee paperwork.  Hopefully, not his last!  He spent the summer babysitting for my grandson and a friend of my grandson.  The pay was good!

We stopped by the dorm to talk to his new employer.  She said that since he was working for her he could get his room key today. 

 When we took a dorm tour at Freshman Orientation a few weeks ago, he met the lady who runs the complex of buildings.  She emailed him the next day and asked him to work for her.
My son and I spent the evening in the downtown campus area of Bloomington and then walked all over the campus.  The campus is very hilly.  We loved walking around campus, except it was extremely humid.  

the bad habit

We had dinner at Nick's English Hut, a well-known spot in Bloomington.  I had a burger.  It is a sandwich and pizza place so my choices were limited.  The burger was just okay, no bun of 

the bad habit

We met my husband after his meeting and had a 2 hour drive home.


  1. I don't have enough time or space for my bad habits... procrastination is my worst... I'm working on that one now;-)

    1. I'm sure you don't have that many bad habits. You are such a kind and caring person.

  2. Nice post!! My last birthday was a little sad so...I prefer not to talk about this! But I like that you had enjoy your day!!


    1. Thank you! I am sorry to hear that you birthday was sad. Have a great weekend!

  3. I am so with you on wanting to be right Betty. Seriously, why would anyone want to be wrong lol!! Your birthday celebrations sounded quite lovely and perfect to me, too. And so glad you got to go for another tour of the campus with your son. It is getting close now and can't wait to hear all about his first days if he does share!! Thanks as always for linking up and enjoy the weekend now!! :)

    1. The campus time was good. I think he will be comfortable when he goes down to stay. Just getting a feel for the place helps. He also meet with his roommate last week and they intend to meet again before they move in. Enjoy your weekend.

  4. I love the photos of the campus and The English Hut looks so adorable! And sadly, I, too, have a horrible habit of procrastinating.

    1. Thanks! I love trying out all the little local places around the campus!

  5. Hi Betty, my oldest grandson spent the summer in your neck of the woods. He had a summer internship at Purdue. He is back in Montana now. My biggest bad habit (gosh, they are so numerous, it's difficult to single out just one)...would have to be procrastination. I am terrible at putting off a 5 minute job around the house for months at a time.

    1. I hope he enjoyed his time at Purdue! Isn't it funny how you can put something off and then wonder why? Like you said it is sometimes something that is a 5 minute job and you just can't seem to motivate yourself to get it out of the way.

  6. I think it's safe to say that a lot of us have a problem with procrastination! I was nodding the whole time I was reading this.

  7. oh eating sweet...I love that habit and don't regard it bad :)

    Happy Friday :)

    1. I'm glad it's not a problem for you. It is for me! I gain weight just thinking about it.

  8. I have noticed that too! It makes me think about all those things and think "yeah, I do that too!"

  9. I wonder if procrastinating is a symptom of our too busy society? I only say that because so many people have that as their bad habit for this sentence - or have commented that they totally agree. Although I think a lot of it has to do with just not wanting to do the things we have to or really need to do. Procrastinating stresses me out and as soon as I do that task, I feel a weigh lifted, but it takes me forever to get to that point. I don't know why I don't just DO IT! :-)

    1. I think you are right. People have so much to do that they fill up so much of their time that it's easy to procrastinate.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty