
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Visualize yourself 6 months from now!! Weight Loss!!

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Weight loss

What would look like 6 months from now if you started eating healthy today?

Can you sit down and visualize what you would look like and feel like if you just started eating healthy today?  

I have lost on average 1 pound per week for the last 25 weeks.  You can see the weight changes on my blog post My Weigh and Some Pinteresting News. If I continued at that rate for the next 6 months I could lose another 26 pounds.  That would put me at 131.5 at the end of six months.  I would love that weight!  So, if I continue to eat healthy for the next 6 months I could possibly weight 131.5.  

Now, you are probably thinking that there is no guarantee that I would lose 1 pound per week for the next 6 months.  No, but I am sure I will continue to lose weight if I continue to eat the way I should.  Maybe I would only lose 15 pounds.  That would put me at 142.5.   At that, I would be at a nice healthy BMI.  

When I started eating healthy back in February, my BMI was in the obese range.  

Now at 157.5,  my BMI is slightly into the overweight range.  

It has taken some time, it didn't happen overnight, it is just a matter of staying with it and changing habits.  

I don't know if I will get to a point where my weight will reach a point and not budge.  If it does I will still eat healthy.  I believe that I can get into a normal BMI.  It may slow down to 1/2 pound per week.  

One thing I have found over the 25 weeks is that the weight loss has been pretty consistent.  I may have a week that stays the same or has a slight increase, but then in a week or two I will have a larger drop. 

Weight loss

What Will You Look Like In 6 Months?

Have you thought about what you could look like in 6 months if you choose to eat healthy?

Take a minute and think about it.  Maybe you would average 1 1/2 pounds or 2 pounds per week.  I am getting close to 59 years old, so my weight loss may be slower than yours.  Maybe you could lose somewhere between 26-52 pounds over the next 6 months.  Or maybe you could lose even more.  Is that worth changing your habits for?  

Are you ready to visualize the new, healthy you?

Weight loss


  1. Congratulations on your continuing weight loss success!

  2. I believe in visualization too Betty... and unless you start somewhere, you will never start... Look at me, I am 50 years old and I have lost 26.2 pounds in 7 weeks. I just ate healthy and I walk a lot... I feel so much better. Congratulations on continuing to lose weight, I too will eat healthy for the rest of my life:)

    1. I think sometimes people just think they have so much weight to lose that they just can't get started. As you know, if you just start and stay with it you can see good results. It may take a little while but it does work.

  3. That is a nice way to stay motivated by thinking of what you might look like in 6 months. In less than 6 months it will be my 40th anniversary. Hmm, now I am really seeing myself out of the obese category!

    Congrats on your consistent weight loss.

    1. I hope you decide to work on it and I would love to see your progress. In six months you would probably be so happy with your results.

  4. Congratulations on what you have achieved so far! Visualisation sounds like such a good idea - wishing you all the best for the next 6 months!

  5. Glad to hear this success story,hope you will loose more weight and maintain a good BMI within this 6 months....

    1. Thanks Amila! I see myself as being thin in 6 months.

  6. It really is a great idea to visualize yourself at a healthy weight! Congrats on your loss so far!

    1. Thanks Kristin! I think visualizing helps to motivate me.

  7. Congratulations! I would like to see myself healthier in 6 months. It has been a stressful year and I have not really been eating right. I am going to try visualization to see if it helps to motivate me more! Thanks and continued success to you!

    1. Thanks and I hope you do give it a try. I think you will have good results.

  8. Habits are SO hard to break, as I've been finding out this year, trying to live healthier. Your story is motivating me, though! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I hope you are motivated to live healthier. That's so important!

  9. I saw a movie with Jennifer Lopez - someone wanted to make sure she wasn't wearing a wire so she had to take off her dress. I don't won't ever have her butt but dangit if I wish I didn't have her shape. I've been bad over the summer. I went and picked up my breakfast staple today. You have to start the day off right. For me it plain cheerios, strawberries and almond milk. ;-) In 6 month I'll likely be going to Louisiana for Christmas so I have to be less than in order to break even you know?

    1. Jennifer Lopez has a fantastic shape, even after having twins. I hope you are really happy with your shape when you head off to Louisiana for your Christmas celebration!!

  10. Hi Betty! Congratulations on your weight loss! Exceptional job. :D

    1. Thanks Marion! You are such a great example!

  11. In 6 months I could have lost 40 pounds. Add that to the 20+ pounds that I lost in the last 3 months and I could have lost 60+ pounds. That's amazing, considering how fast 6 months go by. That's so inspiring, thanks for that thought :)

    1. Julia, I really hope you get the results you are talking about. I know it would make you feel wonderful. Good for it!!

  12. I was looking for your FMM answers, but I love your blog. Lots of inspiration here! Keep up the good work! You can read my FMM answers here:

    1. I read your FMM answers. That was fun! Maybe I can participate next week!

  13. Congrats and I wish you continued success on your weight loss journey.

    1. Thanks Wanda! I appreciate your good wishes.

  14. I like visualizing what I might look like because I feel like it helps keep my eye on the prize. I hope you reach your goal!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty