
Monday, September 16, 2013

Birthday Express

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Birthday Express

Birthday Express  #Birthday Party  #Birthday

The birthday express rolled into town this weekend.  On board was my son who was turning 19.  We picked him up and brought him home for the weekend.  We had a pool party at my daughter's house.  It was only about 73 degrees out.  There was no wind at all and full sunshine and a heated pool that was registering 92 degrees.  I had worried it might be too cool, but there were no complaints.

I was so busy with the food and talking to people I didn't get any pictures.  I guess I am not a good blogger.  I know my older son was taking lots of pictures so maybe I will get some from him later.

On Sunday, it was his birthday.  My husband and I took my son and his girlfriend to lunch.  We took him to his favorite Mexican restaurant.  They do a song and put you into a sombrero.  We have had birthday lunches there before but had never had the birthday celebration.  My son was surprised when they came up to the table and put the sombrero on his head.  They bring a dessert and put whipped cream on your nose.  They got his girlfriend with the whipped cream, too!  My son actually got into it once he got over the surprise.

After the Colts game it was time for the birthday express to head back to college.  My husband and I made the trip to take him back. He isn't supposed to come home again for five weeks.  My hubs and I are a little mopey this week!  We certainly understand the meaning of empty nest.  


  1. Two sons both born in September. Congratulations on raising two fine young men!

  2. Awe Betty... I will get to feel that one day as well... :-(

    1. Yes, it is rather difficult! I know it will probably be hard for you too!

  3. 5 weeks seems so long to go without seeing a child. I have two out of state and I see them so rarely I don't even want to talk about it anymore, lol.

    The birthday celebration w/the Sombrero looks fun. :) Glad you got to celebrate his birthday together.

    1. I know! He is my baby. I don't have any more at home. I know we will get used to it. I was hard when the older kids left too!

  4. Wow! 2 birthdays so close to each other. Congrats!


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Thanks!!! Betty