
Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Make sure to take a look at My Weight Loss Blog Directory!!!


Success  #WeightLoss  #Losing Weight

This picture shows me that it is important to start gaining muscle.  I am going to sign up with the new gym in the next week or two.  I may have to drive a little further to a gym that is already open as I wait for them to get the one closer to me finished.  Looking at the picture of fat versus muscle shows me I need to work on building muscle.

My Weekly Weight Loss Details

When I started losing weight 7 months ago I was in a size 14. Today I went to Kohl's and bought size 6 jeans.  They feel so small!
I got the new skinny jeans.  I don't know, if your pushing 59 it is appropriate to wear skinny jeans or not.  I actually like them so I think I will be wearing skinny jeans this year.  

I think I could probably wear a large top.  With the size of my chest it's hard to get a smaller size top.  I did go buy some new bras last week.  My others were getting a little too big and stretched out of shape.

Success  #WeightLoss  #LosingWeight

Success  #WeightLoss #LosingWeight

Success  #WeightLoss #LosingWeight

Doctor's Appointment

I had my doctor's appointment last week.  It was 6 months ago when I went in the last time.  When my doctor walked in the room he said, "Well, I see you have lost weight!"  He looked at my chart and said, "You've lost lots of weight!"  That was fun!  

My blood pressure was 100/74.  The doctor told me to quit taking one of my blood pressure meds.  Yeah!!!  Success!!  He thought my cholesterol was still too high to quit taking my cholesterol medicine. I have thought about just stopping it anyway.  I don't like the idea of taking statins.  My sugar was 99.  Other than my cholesterol everything was great.  Very close to a healthy BMI.

The doctor says now is the time that I have to really be careful.   He is worried I will turn around and gain it back.  I don't think so, mister!!  I have this handled!


Before I left for the doctor I got on my scale with my clothes on and weighed to see what I weighed on my scale.  It said 149.5.  I went to the doctor and weighed.  I weighed 151.2.  I thought my scale was 3 pounds light.  It is really only a little less than 2 pounds light.  So I actually weigh about 1 pound less than I thought.  When I was heavier the scale was 3 pounds light.  My son told me that it was different at lesser weights.  He was right.

I weighed 151.2.  The top of my healthy BMI is 149.5.  Below is my weight as of today!

Loss 34.0 pounds total

Starting weight - 184.5

Week one - 180.0
Week two - 179.5
Week three - 179.0
Week four - 178.5
Week five - 177.0 
Week six - 176.0
Week seven - skipped, was on vacation
Week eight - 181.5  
Week nine - 174.0
Week ten - 172.5
Week eleven - 172.0
Week twelve - 171.5
Week thirteen - 170.5
Week Fourteen - 172.0
Week Fifteen - 167.5
Week Sixteen - 169.5
Week Seventeen - 168.5
Week Eighteen - 168.0
Week Nineteen - 167.5
Week Twenty - 161.50
Week Twenty-One  161.0
Week Twenty-Two 159.5
Week Twenty-Three 160.0
Week Twenty-Four 159.0
Week Twenty-Five 157.5
Week Twenty-Six 156.5
Week Twenty-Seven  154.5
Week Twenty-Eight 153.5
Week Twenty-Nine 152.5
Week Thirty 152.0
Week Thirty-One 150.5

My scale is 2 pounds light! 

Success  #WeightLoss #LosingWeight

I call this Success!!


  1. Congrats on the 6 jeans, the low bp and coming off one med...but 99 for a blood glucose isn't great. Or are you diabetic? If you are, then 99 is pretty great, but it's knocking at the upper limit of normal/pre-diabetes. What did your doctor say about that?

    Yeah, I'm not going to take statins, and I'm walking into my October appointment loaded with printed material of why for my doctor. Might be my last appt. with her. :o

    1. I hope your doc agrees with you! I am pretty happy with my glucose numbers for now.

  2. Congrats Betty, it's a great result!
    You look great: go on like this and no gain back ;)
    MammaNene @ SergerPepper

    1. I am not gaining it back this time. Thanks Mamma Nene!

  3. Wow!!! Congrats on your loss and the success with your doctors! I can't wait til I'm down that far in my journey! I just started my own weight loss journey blog! Come check it out when you have time! :)

    1. Thanks! You just stick with it and you will be here soon. Stopped by there yesterday! I love your belly pic! I added you to my Weight Loss Blog Directory.

  4. Congratulations Betty... I stopped with the cholesterol meds as I had that incident in November where I had weakness in my legs due to it... there is no way I will ever take it again... I am just going to exercise and eat healthy going forward :)

    1. Thanks Launna! I think I am just going to have to tell the doctor that I am not going to take them anymore. He will probably try to talk me out of it. I am going to get started going to the gym and then maybe I will get better results.

  5. That is awesome all around! You will see that healthy range any day now!

    1. Thanks Kristin! I will be happy to be in the healthy range. Then, of course, I will want to get to the middle of the range.

  6. WOW congrats! You've come a long way and look amazing! And wonderful job getting off of those Blood Pressure Meds!

    1. Thanks Desiree! I want to get off all meds, but I don't believe that will happen. I was taking one blood pressure med before I put the weight on. Heriditary!

  7. As long as you don't try to dress like a teenager go ahead and rock those size 6 skinny jeans!

    1. I don't think I would ever want to dress like a teenager! I just don't want to look like I am trying to dress too young. I thought those jeans would feel tight but they don't. They are really comfy!!

  8. Wow! Go you!! I have to say - your body transformation is phenomonal . A 14 to a 6 in 7 months?! So amazing. Keep up the awesome and inspirational hard work and thank you for linking up!

    1. Thanks, Bailey! It has been surprising to me too. Especially since I haven't really exercised like I should. I am starting the gym soon to get to work on that. I really think that getting away from processed foods has allowed my body to go back to where it should be.

  9. Nice job! And the jeans look great so who cares if they're age appropriate or not! As long as they look good on you, that's what matters!

    1. Thanks! My husband is always complaining about people not dressing their age and he loves them.

  10. You look great. The jeans are appropriate as they fit you body lovingly. By the way I really do LOVE the shorter hair!

    Barbara @

    1. Thanks so much, Barbara! I love my hair now too! It just feels perkier and makes me feel good! The jeans do to! As I mentioned earlier, they are so comfy!

  11. Betty you are such a rock star! You are inspiration to so many I'm sure! I look forward to seeing the updates of your continued progress!


    1. Thanks, Brittnei! I hope I continue to have progress to share!

  12. Congrats on coming so far! And I think you look great in skinny jeans!

    1. Thank you! I feel good in them, so for now I am okay with that. I bought me another pair!

  13. You are doing so AMAZING! That is awesome when the doctor says something before even looking at the chart! You look great too! I want to be a size 8, but I would love to see a 6 lol Good job girl & thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks Ash! Yes, I was a little surprised when the doctor noticed since I hadn't seem him in 6 months. Just keep working, you can probably get to a size 6 soon.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty