
Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday the 13th!

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Friday the 13th  #Frightening

Friday the 13th!

Does it Frighten you?  Are you paranoid?  Do you just wait for something strange to happen?

Whenever I realize there is a Friday the 13th coming up it always gives me a creepy feeling.  I don't know what it is, but I have always felt that way.  I think it is probably the fact that when you are a child everyone acts like it is scary.

I tried to make it less scary as a child by saying 13 was my lucky number.  My first husband was born on the 13th.  The weird thing was he died young.  Was it because he was born on the 13th?  I have never looked up to see if it was on a Friday.

My third child was born on the 13th.  See, still lucky for me.  He is doing well and into his upper 30's now.  I know he wasn't born on a Friday!  

Come on, tell me how you feel about Friday the 13th.  Is it lucky or is it Frightening?


  1. to me it is just another day. i actually forgot it was Friday the 13th. right now honestly I am just lazy :(

    1. You know I really didn't remember until I was working on my blog and saw the date.

  2. Lucky! I was born on a 13th, not a Friday though. So no bad vibes for me today :)

    1. See I think you are one lucky person. I'm glad you don't have bad vibes.

  3. I'm not superstitious, so I don't see Friday 13th any differently. I think that sometimes people try so hard not to have an accident on Friday 13th that they end up causing havoc and blame it on some 'superstition'. I mean, so many things happen throughout the weeks and months, but we all seem to focus on what happens on that one day.
    I'd actually like to know where this whole Friday 13th comes from. I've never checked it out myself.
    Have a lovely weekend mate.

    1. You are probably right! I believe you can make your own luck. If you believe something is going to happen, you subconsciously make it happen. Maybe I will research that and write about it on the next Friday the 13th.

  4. My Friday the 13th was a wonderful day. I left work early, spent the rest of the day with my husband, and we got to meet our daughter for lunch. We even got home early enough that I had an opportunity to play in my craft room.

    1. It sounds like Friday the 13th was lucky for you. Playing in my craft room is always fun! It's even more fun when one of my crafty friends come over and we share ideas.

    2. It sounds like Friday the 13th was lucky for you. Playing in my craft room is always fun! It's even more fun when one of my crafty friends come over and we share ideas.

  5. Friday the 13th is just another day for me.. I never get any of those vibes :)

    1. I'm glad to hear that Launna! I really remember people making a big deal of it when I was growing up. I would always say, It's my lucky day!

    2. I'm glad to hear that Launna! I really remember people making a big deal of it when I was growing up. I would always say, It's my lucky day!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty