
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Family Fun

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Family Fun

But first, Who wears short shorts?

Have you seen the video of the dad teaching his daughter a lesson? 

This dad was upset when his daughter refused to change her clothes, which he felt were inappropriate, before they went to dinner.  He took a pair of his jeans and cut them short and wore them out for the evening.

What is your opinion of the way he did it?  

I love his shirt!  

Finish the Sentence Friday

Family fun #summer #fun #family

My best summertime memory this year was........

This year has been different for me.  I have spent the last 10 summers traveling with my son for baseball.  This year he graduated from high school and decided not to play baseball anymore.  I had quiet summer at home getting things ready to move my son off to college.  So it was kind of bittersweet.

My best summertime memories always seems to be centered around my family.  This summer the days I spent with my grandson's were really special.  I wrote about spending the day in downtown Indianapolis.  This was a special day because my five year old grandson loved it so much and kept asking when we would do more field trips.

Here are some of my great memories this summer of family fun.

Family fun  #summer #fun #family

Family fun  #Summer #fun #family

Family fun #summer #fun #family

Family fun #summer #fun #family

Family fun  #summer #fun #family

Family fun #summer #fun #family

Family fun  #summer #fun #family

Family fun  #summer #fun #family

Friendship Friday

This week's theme for Friendship Friday is Something Good.

Have you or your family members received some good news you'd like to share?    My son called today and told me he got a good grade on the first paper he wrote in college.  He was pretty happy about that!

Have you recently created a good recipe or craft project?  I don't think I'm so good at creating new recipes.  I am getting ready to do some crafts for Halloween, but I haven't made anything yet.  Blogging takes up too much time!!  

Have you recently done a good deed?  Actually, I haven't.  That makes me feel a little bad.  Usually, I try to make sure that I am doing something good for others and I just haven't done anything lately.  I will have to rectify that soon!

September Blog Challenge

Day 13-Something difficult in your life you've worked to overcome.

When I was young I was extremely shy.  I couldn't talk to people other than family and close friends without getting really nervous.
I lost my husband when I was 24 and I had 3 young children.  At that point I knew I had to step up and put myself out there for the sake of my children.  

I spent the next 12 years single and running my family on my own. It made me a very independent person.  I ran 3 different businesses during those years and was able to talk to most people one on one. I still have a few issues with getting up in front of people.  I have even gotten better with that over time.


  1. I used to be painfully shy when I was younger too Betty... then one day in my mid 20's, I decided that if I was ever going to get anywhere in life, I would have to put myself out there... Today the people I know don't or can't believe I was shy... David always tells me he is my proof as he knew me well when I was younger:)

    1. I have a friend that is kind of loud speaking and really outgoing. She told me she was shy when she was young and she decided to change that. Speaking loudly was part of that. She decided she wanted people to know when she was in a room. It's funny when we talk one on one she isn't loud at all, but when she is in a group of people she becomes loud. I would never have know that she was shy as a younger person.

  2. Sounded like a great summer indeed and know that it was bittersweet from you mentioning previously about getting your youngest son off to college. Thanks as always for sharing and linking up with us. Have a wonderful Friday now!! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Janine! I always like your Finish the Sentence Friday hop!!

  3. Your summer sounds really wonderful but I totally understand about having your son graduate and go off to college being bittersweet. I was really shy when I was younger as well. I, too, got over it thank goodness.

    1. It's funny how many of us were shy and now we are putting ourselves out there in front of the whole world.

  4. Regarding the shorts on Dad - if you go back to the 60''s shorts used to be about that length, especially athletic shorts. Basketball players all wore short shorts, and young men would cut off their jeans and make shorts in the summer that were about that short. Of course now (at least in America) the majority of men's shorts are long and baggy. So much so that the style almost looks like the fat character (Henry Calvin) from the 1961 Disney Film - Babes in Toyland.

    1. Oh Marc, I do remember those short shorts on men. I don't think we should return to that era. I also don't like the ones that are too long and baggy. Maybe a happy medium somewhere!!

  5. I think that dad was brilliant. It certainly would make ME reconsider how ridiculous I looked -- or at least do my best to keep him from doing it again! LOL

    My 6 year old just started to get into Baseball this year. He told me he likes watching, not playing, but that's fine by me. Hubby now has a new buddy to take to the game with him. He's so cute when he goes - totally decked out with his (Phillies) hat and jersey - and looks every inch the Phan!

    Stopping by from Friendship Friday! Have a great weekend!

    1. Meg, I agree with you! I wouldn't want to take the chance that he would do that again. I would find longer shorts and quick!

      Your 6 year old sounds so cute! I bet your hubby is excited about taking him to games. It's time for some male bonding!!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty