
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


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Halloween  #Crafts  #Centerpiece #Halloween Decorations

Halloween is coming soon.  I love decorating for Halloween.  I know you never know what I am going to write about.  I write about weight loss, but this is my place to write about my life.  

My life is made up of many things.  Crafting is one of the things I do for fun.  I actually have a craft room in my house.  So when I am not writing about weight loss, crafting is one of the things I do.  I do lots of scrapbooking too!

So I cook, clean, decorate, craft, scrapbook, play on social media, exercise, have a family and many other things.  I am a mom.  That is what we do.  I guess everyone is supposed to have a niche.  I think my niche is being a Mom.  Maybe I should devote different days to different topics.  Hmmm!  Something for me to think about!


Halloween  #PaperCrafting  #HalloweenDecorating  #Halloween

This is my favorite papercrafting tool.  It is a Cricut.  The Cricut is a die cut machine that uses cartridges.  

I used the cricut to cut the paper to decorate the centerpiece.  You can buy the pre-cut pieces at a Michaels, JoAnn's or Archiver's. You could also use stencils or if you are good, you could free hand cut the decorations.  You can easily make stencils by printing pictures from the computer.

Halloween  #PaperCrafting #Halloween #HalloweenDecorating

I purchased my mini bale of straw at Michael's.  When I bought it I paid about $3.50 for it.  I used paper to cut out all of the decorations, most of which I already had.  So I made a cut centerpiece for less than $4.00.  

Halloween  #PaperCrafting  #Halloween #Hallloween Decorating

I used straight pins to secure the decorations into the straw.  I used thin wire to suspend the letters and decoration above the other pieces.

I put this together in less than an hour.  It would take longer if you are hand cutting the decorations.

So, if you are looking for a cheap, easy table centerpiece for Halloween, this is it!


  1. Very awesome! I have two friends who love Halloween like no other. :)

    It's a fun time to decorate.

    1. It is fun to decorate! I like pumpkins and fall things. I am ready to get started.

  2. Very cute and my husband is more the artist crafty one, but going to show this to him. Thanks for sharing Betty!! :)

    1. Thanks Janine! It's fun that your husband likes to do the crafty stuff. My husband just likes to look at what I do.

  3. Halloween is one of my favs too. That centerpiece looks great!

    1. Thanks, Linda!! I think it is so fun to do things up for Halloween!

  4. You are very creative Betty.... I am not... maybe I just don't have the time... someday :)

    1. I bet you are creative! I think everyone has some creative ability, it is just having the time and desire to do it.

  5. So cute and creative!!! Love love love it!! I'm getting in the spirit too!! Dying to go to Hobby Lobby for some more stuff!!

    1. Lauren, thanks so much! I am in trouble, they have just opened a Hobby Lobby ten minutes from my house. They also put in a Home Goods store! My friend and I are going to be broke!!

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Angelina! I love you playing around with things and seeing what I can come up with.

  7. the display is so cute! I love it!

    1. Thanks, Alexipanda! It really is easy to make.

  8. This is so neat! Thanks for sharing!

  9. This is fantastic. I have come to your blog for the first time through friday blog hop and love your blog to. Hope you have a great day and a fantastic weekend. Lots of love. Anne. xxx

    1. Thanks for stopping by Anne. I will get over to see your blog too! I hope your weekend is wonderful too!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty