
Friday, September 20, 2013

How to use PicMonkey

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How to use PicMonkey

This is part 1 in a series showing different functions of PicMonkey.

I have been using PicMonkey and really enjoying the different functions.  

I downloaded this picture from Pixabay.  I wanted to show you how to make some simple adjustments with PicMonkey.  This picture has had no adjustments.

In Picture No 2, I auto adjusted the picture, then brightened the color.  I also put a simple frame around the picture.  If you want your picture noticed on Pinterest you need to make it brighter than you would for an ordinary picture.  Their are several choices for an outer frame.  You can adjust the thickness of the frame.

The frame in picture 3 was made using Craft Scissors.  This is a function of the paid Royale program.  You can do lots of things with the free version.  I kept clicking on things that were paid and finally decided to buy the Royale option.  It cost me $33.00 and my subscription is for one year.  By the way, I am not being paid to talk about PicMonkey. 

You can add text to your picture, which also makes it much better for Pinterest.  It is reported that Pinterest is in the top views for many bloggers.  It makes sense to get noticed among all the pictures on Pinterest. 



  1. Great post. I think as a blogger photos are definitely my weak point. I will take a look at this.
    Linsey xx

    1. I think you will find PicMonkey is a great tool for bloggers. There are so many things you can do. I haven't tried everything yet. The free version is really great. I just purchased the pay version because I really wanted to try some of the paid features.

  2. You are always informative Betty, thank you for sharing :)

    1. I really like learning new things and telling people about them.

  3. Hi Betty, I love this information. Thanks! I'll try it out. :D

    1. I hope you do. I love your blog. Pictures really help when you post to Google+ and Pinterest. Of course, if you use Instagram you have to have pictures too!

  4. This is so cool! Awesome lesson. There are so many features. I literally don't have the time to play with them all! Glad you are doing this series! xoxo

    1. I hope to have lots of time for playing with the features and figuring out all it does. There are so many possibilities.


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Thanks!!! Betty