
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Twice Baked Potatoes

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Twice Baked Potatoes

Twice Baked Potatoes  #Potatoes #Twice Baked

I was fixing dinner for my husband and tried to come up with something different for him.  I haven't made Twice Baked Potatoes for a long time so I went to Pinterest to find a recipe.  I found this recipe from  I have been eating a Paleo/Primal/Low Carb diet so I haven't made too many of the things he wants.  Now that I have gotten used to what I eat  I have made more of the foods that he would like to have.  So here is the recipe for the Twice Baked Potatoes I made for him.

Ultimate Twice Baked Potatoes

4 large Baking Potatoes 
8 slices Bacon
1 cup Sour Cream
1/2 cup Milk
4 Tablespoons Butter
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper
1 cup, shredded Cheddar Cheese, divided
8 greeen onions, divided

The directions are on the site.

Twice Baked Potatoes  #Potatoes #Twice Baked

What happens when you don't have the ingredients on hand!

Well, the recipe is great, but I didn't have all the ingredients it called for and I didn't want to wait an hour for the potatoes to cook in the oven.

I was only going to make 2 potatoes, the recipe said they would heat up well the next day.  I could use on for dinner and save one for later.

First I started by baking the potatoes in the microwave.  It takes 3 to four minutes for each potato.  Don't forget to poke holes in the potatoes or they will explode.  I take a fork and puncture the potatoes in several places.  I baked the potatoes and pushed a fork in them to make sure they were soft.  While the potatoes were cooling I cooked the bacon.  I cooked mine in the microwave, since I only needed four slices.  I let the bacon cool and then crumbled it.

I let the potatoes sit for 10 minutes to cool.  I still burned my hand on them a little bit, so be careful.  I took a spoon and removed the meat of the potato, leaving enough in the potato skin to keep it stable. 

I didn't have any sour cream so I used ranch dressing in place of the sour cream.  I only had Shredded Colby Jack cheese, so I used that in place of the Cheddar.  I didn't have any green onions so I just eliminated them.

I took the meat of the potato and put it into a bowl with the ranch dressing, milk, butter, salt, pepper and 1/4 cup cheese.

I mixed the ingredients with a mixer until they were creamy.  

Next, I spooned the mixture into the potato skins.  

I topped the potatoes with the rest of the cheese and the crumbled bacon.

I baked them in my toaster oven for 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

Twice Baked Potatoes #Potatoes #Twice Baked

My husband said the Twice Baked Potatoes were delicious!  They were just as good two days later for lunch!


  1. I used to adore twice baked potatoes... who is kidding... I used to adore potatoes of any kind... since they are a weakness of mine, I don't eat them yet... once I feel in more control, I will allow myself a potato once and a while :)

    1. I love them too! I will start adding an occasional potato when I get into a healthy range on my BMI.

  2. I've made some really yummy ones with sweet potatoes and potatoes and used plain yogurt in the filling - yum! You've reminded me to make those again!

    1. That sounds really good! You will have to share that recipe!

  3. I love potatoes and pretty much will eat them anyway they are prepared, but these look amazing. Pinning to try. Thanks!! :)

    1. I hope you like them! They are very easy to make!

  4. These look so yummy. Can't wait to try them!

    1. They look absolutely delicious, and my husband said they were.

  5. I love twice baked potatoes and these look really good. I like that you mixed the Ranch Dressing into the mashed potatoes and of course the topping it with bacon is always delish.

    1. I have a tendency to use what I have. Sometimes, that works out great, sometimes not so great.

  6. Pretty sure my husband would be in love. :) I may give them a try since they're so easy. I've never made a potato in the microwave, but that sounds way better than waiting an hour.

    1. I hope you get a chance to try them! Potatoes cook pretty well in the microwave.

  7. Stopping by from Mommy Monday. I love twice baked potatoes but hate having to wait for them to cook the first time. Cooking them in the microwave is a great tip!

    1. Cooking them in the microwave really speeds things up! Potatoes really do well in the microwave. Thanks!

  8. I used to love loaded potatoes for an appetizer! This is bringing back memories! Looks so yummy! Thanks for sharing with us on Mo,my Monday! xoxo

  9. I love people who improvise!!! You are so inspiring! Two gold stars for you!!

  10. Yum Yum yum! I love potatoes especially this type. I could eat them all the time! Thanks for the recipe!

  11. Yum! I love twice baked potatoes but haven't made them in forever! Thanks for sharing this - I think I'll be making them soon now!


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Thanks!!! Betty