
Monday, April 15, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In - I'm Celebrating!!!!!!!!!

I am ready for the weekly weigh-in.

This has been a good week!  I just felt so much better.  I had the 5.5 pound weight gain when I got back from vacation and was a little worried.  I knew from eating out I had consumed too much salt.  I really didn't think I had done horribly on my diet and so 5.5 pounds seem extreme.  I really felt it was mainly water weight, but I knew I had to get serious and get it back off.

 Early in the week I had already knocked off most of the gain so that made me feel much better.  So when I weighed in today I was looking for a better number.  And I got it!! 

 I may have lost the two weeks around vacation, but I did great this week.  I feel like I mentally am back on track with my eating.  I expect to have good results!  This week's stress has made me forget about food so that hasn't hurt, just hasn't given me much time for anything.  

 I haven't been exercising as I should be.  I have gotten some walking in this week and that's about it. I walked around the field at the baseball game while I was waiting for the game to start.  I love exercising, I just seem to feel like I don't allow time for it.  I really need to think about that now. 

 My goal for next week is to continue eating well, and get in exercise at least 4 days, with additional walking.

I had my son take a picture of my favorite pair of size 12 jeans.  I think they are going to have to go by the wayside.  I was wearing them yesterday and I felt like one of those kids who wear their jeans in the sag style.  The crouch felt like it was hanging to my knees.  I kept pulling them up.  I liked them before because they were always comfy.  Not to tight around my middle!!!  So time to move down a size, at least with this pair!

My weight - in for the week is  174.0

Loss 10.5 pounds total

Starting weight - 184.5
Week one - 180.0
Week two - 179.5
Week three - 179.0
Week four - 178.5
Week five - 177.0 
Week six - 176.0
Week seven - skipped, was on vacation
Week eight - 181.5  
Week nine - 174.0



  1. I just have to move down a size! Clothes shopping is much more fun now, right???

    1. Yes, but I would like to move down a few more sizes before I shop very much.

  2. Awesome! I am thrilled and sad that my jeans are getting these jeans, but not this size! I am looking forward to my summer wardrobe. You know, the one I haven't been able to wear in a few years. Congratulations!
    Lulu and Daisy

    1. Oh yes, I understand. I'm glad you are going to get back into them. I am going to have to find a new favorite pair od jeans, but I think I'll wait until fall and hopefully they will be closer to the size I want to stay in.

  3. YAY BETTY!!!! Awesome news/week! You are going to beat me to size 10 jeans...but my new 12's are already getting loose, so I'm not far behind! You are kickin' it!

    1. You have done so well and been such a motivator. Let's just keep helping each other reach the finish line. We will keep this weight off for life this time and be so much healthier!

  4. Congrats on the awesome number/achievement, Betty. Woot!!!!!!!

  5. Woo hoo! Thanks for stopping by the Ms Mystery Case blog. Looking forward to 'casing' your blog. xx

    1. Thanks, I'm am happy to see you. Enjoyed your blog so much!

  6. Congrats on your weight loss but be careful. Last year I lost 30 pounds, and I fear that it is starting to come back. Nothing worse than finding lost weight!

    1. Oh! Oh! I hope to lose my weight forever this time. I've gone the other route before and didn't like it a bit!

  7. Praise Betty; keep up the good work! It is always a challenge, and gets worse as we get older-ha!

    Blessings and hugs sweet lady!

  8. Congratulations! What a great weigh-in. And good for you for not letting the vacation gain turn into a downward spiral (I have been guilty of that!)


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Thanks!!! Betty