
Monday, August 5, 2013

Does your Diet have an Expiration Date?

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Does your diet have an Expiration Date?

Expiration Date for Dieting

When you started your diet did you want to lose weight for a wedding, graduation, or another major life event?

Maybe you wanted to lose weight to look better in your bathing suit?

Did you just decide you wanted to lose 20 pounds?

What do those things have in common?

They all have an expiration date!

When you start a diet with an expiration date the problem is when you reach the goal you tend to go back to your old eating habits.  

Your goal should be a lifetime change.

Set a goal expires when you do!  

Goal Setting
Expiration date for dieting

Set goals to make changes that you can live with for a lifetime. Make changes that allow you to enjoy events with your family and friends.   More importantly, make changes that will allow you to be healthy and have a long, happy life.

How to make lifetime changes. 

Lifetime changes should involve exercise.  Why?  Because exercise is good for your body.  If you are going to continue exercising for the rest of your life than you should chose activities that you enjoy. Taking walks is a great way to get in daily exercise.  Riding your bike is another.  

Exercise doesn't require you to compete in a marathon.  It just requires you to move daily!  I think most of us realize that when we love something we don't have to make ourselves do it.  Find something you love.  Maybe you love yoga, or dance.  That's exercise.  If you just find something fun to do everyday and just do it your body will be healthier.

Food Choices

When making food choices you need to make choices that are not depriving you.  So it takes a year or two to get to a healthy weight, a least you got there and you are improving daily.  

It is about making choices that you can live with.  It's not when something goes wrong you grab for the sweets, carbs or some other craving and binge.  You must chose what works for you.  Is it something that you can continue to do?  

My Choice

I have chosen to eat Paleo/Primal/Low Carb.  I'm not really sure what the correct term is for what I am eating.  It seems to work for me.  Basically, I am eating fresh foods.  I am eating meats, eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and cheese.  I am trying to stay away from processed sugar and grains.  I am trying to add lots of organic foods to my meals.  I have found many recipes that works for this and doesn't seem to deprive me of things I want to eat.  I have found eating this way has eliminated indigestion, which is great!

I can have treats that are made with non-grain flours such as coconut and almond, among others.  These treats are not to be overdone, they are treats.   I have lost over 25 pounds and I have tried some different diet plans, but I have been consistent about limiting processed sugar and grains.  

Can I do this long-term?

As of now, I say yes.  I do not ever feel deprived.  I eat when I'm hungry.  Since I haven't had processed sugar and wheat for some time, I have no desire for them.  Sugar is a drug.  When I consume sugar I continue to want more.  I feel good and I am happy with my food choices.  I eat out with my family.  I just chose foods that I can enjoy.  

Since I write a blog about weight loss, I do think about it everyday. If I didn't blog about it, I think I would be at a point where I would just be doing what is normal for me.  I am learning to cook differently and trying to make things that my family will enjoy.

Expiration date for dieting

Make choices for you!

So tell me what choices you can make and what works for you. Does your diet have an expiration date?


  1. Well my "lifestyle" certainly has no expiration date! Very true what you said though, it is no good just to lose weight for an occasion or whatever. It has to be about health and quality of life.

    1. Lynda you have been one of my role models. It has worked for you and I know it can work for me.

  2. That's what I'm trying to work on...A lifestyle change. This is a GREAT post! =0)

    1. Thanks, Kim! It is the way to make permanent changes.

  3. I honestly believe that when we are eating truly healthy...the weight will take care of itself. :)

    1. Exactly!! I always knew you were brilliant! Your lifestyle changes have proven to be successful.

  4. I totally believe in a lifestyle change... eating properly and exercising go hand in hand. I have done each of these on their own over the years and until I put two and two together I was never as successful as I am today.

    I also believe that with exercise you must find what works for you, what you truly enjoy so that you will keep it up...

    1. Launna, you are also proving that it works. You are making lifestyle changes and now your love for walking has progressed into running.

  5. True about the expiration date, meeting your goal and then what? But, for people who get overcome, discouraged with such a large goal, having a diet with an expiration date might be a good thing, a bit like skiing part of the mountain at a time. Breaking it up, then when you reach your set another one, that way you feel successful because you've made your goal.

    1. Maybe that way works for some people, but for me once I reach the goal I think it's time to celebrate and then I start eating things I shouldn't. Future goals are then put on the back burner. I can see where breaking down the goals makes it easier for some people. When I set a goal and reach it, then I have accomplished it and I'm done I guess.

  6. No expiration date for me! What I do is for my health and for life. I mainly focus on calories (1500) and exercise (cycling); eat loads of veggies and fruits. It works, just slowly. Will take me another two years to get to a goal weight But that is okay!

    1. Good job, Michele! The whole two years will see you losing along the way so you will have a better body each month. Even though it is taking a while to get to goal your health is improving daily.

  7. I love this topic. For me my diet is a change of lifestyle. No expire date but I set a deadline so that I have this kind of urgency to go for my goal.

    1. If deadlines helps you then that is what counts! Everyone needs to follow their own lead.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty