
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

My Weight Loss and Some Pinteresting News!!!!!

Make sure to take a look at My Weight Loss Blog Directory!!!

Weight loss help

Weight Loss Journey

This picture shows that weight loss is a journey.  You don't lose it all in one week.  If you keep with it you will lose.  If you look at my journey it has been slow.  If you look at the overall though I have lost 27 pounds in 25 weeks.  That averages over a pound a week.  Not fast but the results are definitely showing now.  This is a lifetime journey.  

My weight loss results photos are on my post 25 Pound Weight Loss!!  Pictures!!

I Lost Weight!!!

Loss 27.0 pounds total

Starting weight - 184.5

Week one - 180.0
Week two - 179.5
Week three - 179.0
Week four - 178.5
Week five - 177.0 
Week six - 176.0
Week seven - skipped, was on vacation
Week eight - 181.5  
Week nine - 174.0
Week ten - 172.5
Week eleven - 172.0
Week twelve - 171.5
Week thirteen - 170.5
Week Fourteen - 172.0
Week Fifteen - 167.5
Week Sixteen - 169.5
Week Seventeen - 168.5
Week Eighteen - 168.0
Week Nineteen - 167.5
Week Twenty - 161.50
Week Twenty-One  161.0
Week Twenty-Two 159.5
Week Twenty-Three 160.0
Week Twenty-Four 159.0
Week Twenty-Five 157.5

Warning scale is 3 pounds light!  

Weight loss

Now for the big news!!!!

The Pincentive Blog Hop

cropped stories
Elena at Cropped Stories is the Host of a new blog hop every Tuesday starting 9/03/13. I have been selected as one of the pinners.  Yeah!!!  This looks like it will be lots of fun and a great way to grow your blog.  If you click here you can get all the details The Pincentive Blog Hop.


  1. That rate of loss is very healthy and you're more likely to keep it off, too. I like reading your updates, as they are very inspiring!


    1. Thanks, Meredith! As I told Amy that is what my body has allowed me to lose with healthy eating.

  2. Party sounds fun! Your weight loss is ideal and healthy at 1-2 lbs/wk! Keep right on doing what you're doing.

  3. I think it is awesome that you lost more weight Betty, I know it is good to take it off slowly as it is more likely to stay off...

    I feel like I am doing okay even though I am taking it off a bit quicker as I am eating healthy food and I am exercising a lot... I do realize that I will always have to exercise... and I will always have to watch what I eat...

    Congratulations again... this is wonderful for you:)

    1. I would take it off more quickly if I could. I'm an impatient person. My body is in control. I give it good food and it decides where to go from there.

  4. Congrats - all your hard work is paying off. That is an impressive weight loss!!

  5. I would love to lose it quicker, but my body seems to know that this is the correct way for me. I have had some fantastic weeks and some really slow weeks, but it equals out.

  6. I think I am going to just let my body decide when it is where it should be. I'll just continue eating healthy and see where I end up. I know I need to be within a healthy BMI, so I hope I can get there before long.

    You have done absolutely fantastic!

  7. Huge congrats on the weight loss Betty and seriously this is awesome. And also so happy that we are working together with Elena on the PINcentive Blog Hop. So excited over this and really just so happy that you are a part of this, too now!! :)

  8. 27 lbs is great, I know you feel fantastic!

  9. HI! Thanks for visiting my blog. Wow, good for you for losing so much so far and keeping up with it. You are doing it the right way, they always say losing too much to fast is actually bad. After I have baby #2 in Dec I plan to go on a diet and exercise plan and get serious about weight loss, so I will be following you. Following via Bloglovin'
    ~Jackie @ The Non-Martha Momma

  10. You are doing great. Your commitment and focus are telling.

    Barbara @

  11. Congrats Betty!! You're doing great. :)


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty