
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Delicious Paleo Pizza

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Delicious Paleo Pizza

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo #Primal

Making the Pizza Crust

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo  #Primal

I made a Paleo Pizza a couple of weeks ago.  The crust was made from almond meal and coconut flour.  It was not a big hit.  My husband wouldn't even try it.  He didn't like the smell of it cooking.

I made another attempt at finding a non-wheat crust to make a pizza with.  

I am not sure that all the ingredients work for all Paleo eaters since it includes dairy.  If you don't eat dairy then this recipe isn't for you.

This pizza  crust is made with cream cheese, eggs,  Parmesan cheese,  garlic granules, and black pepper.  

I knew this one was going to go over better.  My husband was upstairs when I was making it.  He came down when it was done and said, "What are you cooking?  It smells good!"

The recipe which has the ingredients for the crust came from a Pinterest board.  The board is ABJ and is located on her low carb. Her recipe is named No Crust Pizza.

I put all of the ingredients into a bowl and mixed with a mixer.

Delicious Paleo Pizza #Pizza #Paleo #Primal

The mixture is pretty thin.  You pour it into the pan.  It pours in like a cake mix.  

Baking the pizza crust

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo  #Primal

You bake the batter for about 12-15 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo  #Primal

When it comes out of the oven it is lightly browned and solid.  Now you are ready to add the toppings.

Adding the toppings

I did not use the toppings listed on the recipe.  I had leftover toppings from my other Paleo Pizza.  I had purchased organic toppings and no added sugar pizza sauce.  The ham is uncured. 

I started with the pizza sauce.

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo  #Primal

Then I added sliced mushrooms, artichokes, ham and cherry tomatoes from my garden.  I cut up the ingredients and spread them over the pizza sauce.

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo  #Primal

Once I got the toppings added it was ready to go back into the oven.

Baking the pizza

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo  #Primal

I baked it for about 10 minutes to cook the toppings.  That is about the time my husband showed up to see what was in the oven.  I told him I was trying another Paleo Pizza.  I thought that might run him off.  He said, "Can I have some, it smells really good?"  I said him he could.  Then he wanted to know what all the stuff on there was. I told him and I told him he could put some mozzarella cheese on it if he wanted.  

Eating the pizza

I put some mozzarella cheese on it for him.  He decided to remove the artichokes.  He really liked it.  He said the crust melted in his mouth, but it was good.  

Delicious Paleo Pizza  #Pizza #Paleo  #Primal

I had some and I thought it was great.  My son got some later and he really liked it.  

This is a pizza with no wheat that I could feed to my husband.  I would probably have to put more meat ingredients on a pizza for him.  He really prefers different toppings.  He didn't complain about the mushrooms and tomatoes, which surprised me. 


So, I have found a crust that we would be able to use and allow my family to eat pizza together sometimes.  I probably would need to stay with one or possible two small pieces.  

I found a similar recipe to make bread so you could have an occasional sandwich.  I am hoping to get my husband to give up wheat and sugar.  I need to give him some alternatives or he will not be interested.

Lynda, a blogger friend of mine has a pizza crust which is made with guam gar that she highly recommends.  I may have to try it at a later date.  She has several other Paleo recipes on this page so you might want to take a look.

Is Pizza Paleo Junk Food?

There are some bloggers that feel like making imitation wheat products is not good.  We all have to make the choices that we can live with.  If making imitation allows me to get my husband eating better so that he feels like he is not giving up everything then I am going to find the best recipes that I can. My weight loss might slow down a  little, I can live with that.  I can have an occasional imitation wheat treat and allow me to never feel cheated and make this a lifetime change.  One of the worst things you can do is allow yourself to feel deprived.  Being deprived, causes binges.

I make no guarantees that every recipe I share is certified Paleo.  I find recipes that meet the requirements as I know them.  I am not a nutritionist.  

I am reading the book, The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain, Ph.D.


  1. I absolutely don't think making a "primal" pizza is bad. I don't consider myself paleo. What is wrong with making yummy food with fresh ingredients... so what if those ingredients end up as a pizza? Believe me, you don't eat as much because a) it is filling and b) because you have to make it, and you only make one or two!

    We don't have pizza often - maybe once every three months but when I feel like one you can be sure I'll have one!!

    1. I think you are right Lynda! I might make it more often than that. I used really good, fresh, organic, ingredients so I don't think it is too bad. Certainly better than wheat or getting it at a pizza place. Although, the one pizza place we go to uses really fresh ingredients, just not organic and the crust is wheat. I will just have to see how it affects my weight and adjust it accordingly. If I had used the almond meal/coconut crust I wouldn't have been able to eat it very often.

  2. Lynda, this looks amazing and I almost could smell it through my computer screen! I am going to try this! I have never heard of garlic granules, what are those?

    Bugs and Beans

    1. It is just organic garlic made into almost a powder. Unlike garlic salt or powder there are no other ingredients.

  3. It looks good. I'll have to give it a try.

    1. I hope try it and let me know how you like it.

  4. Sounds like a recipe to try.
    I am into week2 without wheat and I know I miss the bread the most. I tried buying some glutenfree but it was expensive and just so-so. I bought gluten free flour yesterday and actually made a banana bread and it wasn't bad. I even bought some special chips to have with guacamole as I craved it yesterday. I can see what you mean tho - your weight loss does slow down. Sometimes tho we just need a little treat.

    1. I haven't tried anything gluten free. I think they add other things to the gluten free stuff. You have to be careful with them. I have never been a big bread eater so that part hasn't been hard for me. I do like banana bread sometimes though. I really think when you feel deprived it is hard to stay on your plan. I am hoping to make this something I can live with and maintain my weight long term.

  5. Betty,

    That looked really good. I am definetly interested in trying it. I added your blog directory on my resource list. Thanks for all your help and ideas.


    1. Thanks for adding the blog directory. I hope you have gotten a lot of traffic from the feature. I am still getting views on it daily and it is still active on Pinterest.

  6. The pizza sounds great. I would definetly like to try it. I added your blog directory to my resource list. Thanks for all your hard work on it.


    1. I hope you try the pizza and let me know how you like it!!

  7. Your pizza looks good! I haven't researched Paleo at all, but I did see a cauliflower crust very recently that looked good!


  8. Hi Betty! This looks fantastic! I have pinned it.
    Thanks for stopping by & commenting at I am now following you via GFC, Pinterest, Twitter, & Bloglovin!
    Did you know that you are a no-reply blogger? People can't respond to your comments via email.

  9. It looks delicious! Thanks for linking up!

  10. I love pizza. I'd love to make one myself. Thanks for showing us the step by step.

  11. I have seen so many different paleo pizzas. I sometimes stray from being completely paleo because every now and then we need it!

  12. What an interesting crust. It sounds very good.with the cream cheese, Parmesan Cheese and garlic.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty