Monday, March 4, 2013

My Weigh-In!! Keep your fingers crossed!!

Today is a new day! This is the only day that counts!

Yesterday was a rest day.  No exercise!  I had the grandsons until mid-afternoon.  I definitely was ready for a rest day. 

I took them to Barnes & Noble and they each purchased a book before we had lunch and we met their Mom and Dad.  The almost 10 year old purchased The Life of Pi, and the little one got a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Book.  He just wanted a book that had fighting in it.  He is obsessed with fighting right now.  

When I got home I sit down to look at some blogs and was asleep in the chair before I knew it.  Grandma was in dire need of some rest.

I am not too anxious to step on the scale this week.  I haven't been eating very well.  I was pleased with my exercise and I seem to be getting a routine going there.  I haven't been eating sweets which is my usual downfall, but I just haven't been eating all the healthy foods I should be eating.  I need more vegetables!  I need to eat berries.  

Okay here it goes!  Drum roll!  I haven't even stepped on the scale for a peek that last few days.  I was afraid I would get depressed and eat more. I do not expect great results.  Hopefully, I haven't gained too much.

Pick me up off the floor.  I lost 1/2 a pound!  Maybe I haven't been doing everything I should.  I could have lost more.  But this week I am ecstatic with 1/2 pound weight loss.  I hope to have a some better weeks, but even if I don't the scale is going in the right direction and I have been doing a good job of exercising.  My body is getting healthier and firmer.  So I might get a little discouraged with 1/2 pound a week after a while, but not if I can continue to look at it with a positive view.  

By the way, my scales weigh 3 pounds light.  So that means its actually 179.  My goal is 140.  I have 39 pounds to go.  If I can continue at 1/2 pound per week, it would take quite a while to get to my goal.  You know, though, it has been a while since I weighed 160.  So maybe, when I get to that weight I can revel in that for a while and be happy.  And then 150, woo hoo, I could be happy with that for a while, too.  

So I am not going to be upset if things go slowly, that may be the key to long term weight loss, at least that's what my doctor told me. Last spring, when I lost 18 pounds in a very short time and he told me to slow down, I thought he was crazy.  I don't think I learned to change enough and then when things weren't routine, I got off track, and then right back up on the scale.

Little changes are much easier to maintain long term.  Eating healthier is the main ambition.  I still won't be upset if next week the scale shows a 2 or 3 pound weight loss.  I am getting healthier each week.

How has your weight loss gone this week?  Are you okay with a small loss or is that discouraging to you?  Let's talk about it!   Your comment motivate me, and hopefully, I can motivate you!


  1. Yeah, I'm in Day Six of my 2nd plateau this year (crap, this is only day 63 of the year LOL) yeah. Right there wid' cha. I'm focusing on the positive; eating right, exercising right, and for today, celebrating my cute little car. The weight will take care of itself. This is a lifestyle change, not a temporary diet. :)

    and congrats on the half pound!!!

    1. I saw your car, it is cute! Enjoy it, and your nice warm weather. Stick to the plan, you will start to see some progress again. You are much lighter than when you started. That is real success!

  2. You have this....slow and steady really does win the race. And furthermore, there have been studies. They say that the people that lose it fast and furious are the ones that pack the pounds back on the fastest.

    1. I know this in my brain, but sometimes that makes it discouraging. I have to get myself knowing I am doing great and this is how I should lose weight.

  3. Yay for you! I find it so difficult to eat healthy as I don't really care for most fruits and veggies. Weird I know :)


    1. I think there are a lot of people who don't like fruits and veggies. Makes it a little hard to get all your vitamins though. Thanks for commenting.

  4. Nice work! I need to loose 5 kg (not sure what that is in pounds) and have decided to cut out sugar and cut down on meat, and eat more veggies :D

    1. I have no idea how that converts either. But it sounds like you have figured out how to do it. Thanks for commenting.

  5. Betty, you are doing great! I need to take encouragement from you so I can stick with a healthier lifestyle.

    1. Thanks, I really think it is important to create a support network. We can all do it together.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Good luck with your weightloss process. Im now following you back!

    1. Thanks for following me. I look forward to getting to know you.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty