Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Pinterest is Quickly Becoming My Number One Traffic Source

Pinterest is Quickly Becoming My Number One Traffic Source

Pinterest is Quickly Becoming My Number One Traffic Source  #Pinterest #Traffic

Up until a short time ago Google was my number one traffic source. In the last couple of weeks I have seen Pinterest surge from the number two spot to a resounding number one.  

My Pinterest followers have been increasing at a rate of about 400 new followers a month in the last couple of months.  With the increase of followers my Pinterest pageviews have been going up quickly.  

I have also been increasing my following on Google+, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Stumbleupon an a few other smaller websites. I have not seen a substantial increase in pageviews from those sites.

So it seems my time is better spent on putting my time into building my Pinterest following right now.  I have written three previous posts about how to increase followers on Pinterest.

How to get over 400 Followers on Pinterest

600 New Pinterest Followers in 2 Months

I Gained 375 New Pinterest Followers in the Last Six Weeks

If you are seeing Pinterest move up in your traffic list you might want to spend time building your Pinterest account.  I have found some great posts on other blogger's sites that I want to share with you.  

Pinterest Tricks

How to Get 500 Pinterest Followers in 30 Days

If you are interested in increasing your pageviews, you really need to take a look at your Pinterest stategy.

Are you ready for Pinterest to become your number one traffic source?  


  1. I probably should look into this Betty as I do want to grow viewership... I am feeling a little stretched thin. I will look at yours a little more closely :)

  2. Great Post:) Find you on The Bloggers Digest Blog Hop and you have a new follower now.

  3. Agreed. A pin on a pumpkin protein shake has brought me page views a month and half after I posted it. That told me where to spend my time, still learning from the best though...keep up the good work!

  4. I too am still learning. Thanks for the links that give helps!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty