
Monday, October 7, 2013

My Top 10 Weight Loss Strategies

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Weight Loss Strategies

My Top 10 Weight Loss Strategies  #Top10  #WeightLoss  #LosingWeight

I have lost 36 pounds and I thought maybe it was time I wrote about my weight loss strategies.  I have been using The 100 diet.  It is similar to the Paleo/Primal/Low Carb diets. 

Here are my top 10 Weight Loss Strategies

1.  Decide on an eating plan.  If this plan is just cutting back calories on the things you eat everyday, then it probably won't work.  Most people will feel deprived.  You need to start eating very differently.  You need to make changes that you can live with, but definite changes.  I personally decided to give up processed foods, for the most part.  The 100 sample menu.

2.  Learn to cook new things.  I decided it was time to learn to make new vegetable dishes.  I did some research and learned to cook Spaghetti Squash.  I had never cooked it before, but it has quickly become a new favorite.  I have starting eating many more vegetables.  They are very low calorie and the carb content isn't too bad.  The great part is they are full of vitamins and are really good for you.  I didn't think I cared for squash and zucchini.  Before this, the only way I liked zucchini was baked up in a sweet bread.  If you experiment with cooking and seasoning you might find that you really like some of the different vegetables.  

3.  Give yourself a real reason to lose weight.   My big reason for losing weight is because as I am getting older I am more and more concerned about my health.  I want to be healthy and active for many years to come.  I couldn't wait any longer, it was time to get started.  Do you want to be healthier and more active so you can have more fun with your children?  There are many reasons to change your life, you just need to find one that resonates with you.

4.  Clean out your cupboards.  This sounds simple enough, but it really is helpful.  I have had a hard time with this because my husband has a sweet tooth and has been bringing things into the house all during the time I have been losing weight.  I mentally cleaned out my cupboards.  If you can actually clean them out I think it is much easier for you. 

5.  Find a friend that is working on their weight at the same time. 
At the time I started I couldn't find anyone who was willing to start getting healthy with me.  Since I have had good progress I have found people who are interested in how I did it and want to make changes to their life now.  I used my fellow weight loss bloggers to be my partners in my weight loss.  If you need some support there are many great people that are motivational on my Weight Loss Blog Directory.

6.  Make a commitment to yourself.  Write your commitment down in some way.  Make a contract with yourself.  Put it in writing.  I did it by making promises on my blog.  I proclaimed that I was changing my life.  There were a few days when I might have eaten things that I shouldn't have and I thought about having to write about my slip-ups and knew that wasn't something I wanted to do. It was easier to walk away from the offending food.  I did have a couple of slip-ups but then I knew I needed to get right back on track or my weigh-ins would be bad.  I put a picture of my scale on my blog, even when I had bad weeks.  Here is my worst week!

7.  As you lose weight, clean out the bigger clothes.  When you do this it makes it hard to regain the weight.  You don't have anything to wear.  It is much more fun to buy the smaller sizes than to go out an buy the bigger sizes again.

8.  Plan out your daily meals in advance.  When you have a plan in place it is so much easier to stay on track.  If you have an issue with eating out at lunch, then plan your meals.  Have you tried making Salad In A Jar.  This is a great way to plan your meals in advance.

9.  If you have to have sweets, eat fresh fruit.  Processed sugar is very addictive.  If you stay away sugar, then fruit will taste really sweet to you and will take care of your sweet tooth.

10.  If you can exercise you will see body changes.  I have not been doing a great job of exercising throughout the weeks of my weight loss.  Weight loss really is about the food you put into your mouth.  I am exercising consistently now(for the last 2 weeks).  I wish I had been exercising all along because it is great for toning your body and making you feel more energetic.  


  1. Great tips! I have to "mentally" clean out the cupboards too - it is not easy!! I did so much better when I lived alone, but it's something I have to learn to do. I also have to plan my meals or I can have a really hard time in a crunch. I'm with you on needing to add more exercise - I have a hard time with that, but try to get two to three runs in a week.

    Thanks so much for the tips - I am aiming to reduce processed foods and I think if I can successfully do that I'll end up in a really good place!

    1. Thanks, Kristin! My friend is trying to lose weight and has been asking me so many questions about what I did to lose the weight. Most people want tips on exactly what you ate, but think some of those tips are even more important than exactly what I eat each day.

    2. Absolutely, it's overwhelming and people feel like they couldn't possibly succeed on their own. I completely understand why they feel like they need to follow an exact pla, but they need to make it work for their life, which is why these strategies are so much more helpful!

      By the way, you'll be featured tonight in the top three on Tips and Tricks Tuesday!

  2. Congratulations for the changes Betty...

    For me cutting back and cutting out certain items really worked for me and exercise was key. I needed to do both to succeed and I will be on this journey for the rest of my life and that is good, I want to continue on my get healthy journey :)

    1. I know you have made some real changes in you diet and lifestyle. Some people need to the exercise as part of their motivation. Exercise is good for you so that is great. There are some people that can't exercise for a physical reason or time constraints. I just want them to know that they can still lose weight.

  3. Great tips! Losing weight can be such a challenge.

    1. Thanks Diane! I think the mental part of losing weight is the real challenge.

  4. Thanks for linking up with us! These are great tips! I am trying really hard to get rid of all my big girl clothes except for a couple of sweaters that will be worn around the house this winter. No need to keep them because I will never be going back!

    1. You are doing fantastic Kristin. I understand having some baggy lounging clothes. We all need some of those. We just don't need to keep the clothes that will make it easy for us to go back.

  5. Hi Betty - This is an excellent top ten. I looked at the 100 diet. To my line of thinking it is more restrictive than the Paleo Diet. 100 calories of carbs adds up pretty fast in a day unless I go back to Dr. Atkins. I started food journaling on October 1st. At the end of the day I multiply my protein grams and carb grams X 4, and I multiply my fat grams X 9. I am eating between 300 to 400 calories each day of carbs. I am trying to get a 40/30/30 ratio of protein/carbs/fats. I'll be honest...this is not an easy thing for me. I haven't managed it yet, but I'm getting closer. Usually my fats ratio is too high like closer to 50 percent. And my protein and carbs percentages seem to be too low. So instead of 40/30/30 at the end of the day I'll get 37/22/43 or 34/32/37. Yesterday was 48/13/62. On the 100 diet and a 1500 to 1800 calorie per day diet, the carb ratio would be 7% to 5.5% each day.

    1. I just adhered to the 100 for the first four weeks. After that you can go to 300 sugar calories, which gives you the opportunity to eat many more vegetables and some fruits. That is still low on carbs, but as I am nearing my goal I will go to 400 sugar calories and then after I reach my goal I will up my carbs. I will only be eating non-processed carbs almost all of the time. That will keep me in line with the Paleo/Primal diet. I have to find out where I can be and stay at my goal weight.

  6. Great ideas!

    I find that if I keep fresh, good things in my fridge, that I am far less apt to resort to, say, eating a bag of Fritos or something.


    1. Yes, planning is such a big part of it. If you're hungry and the only easy thing to grab is chips, most people will grab the chips.

  7. Great tips Betty. Weight loss takes it's time with healthy eating and exercise but it's all worth when you see and feel the end results. I would say that you should keep at least 1 or 2 big clothes, just so you can use it to remember just how big you were once upon a time. It would be an encourage to keep going when you hold up a large pair of trousers next to your slimmer body.
    It's always good to plan your meals in advance or have them prepared in the fridge beforehand, because it's much too easy to grab something unhealthy when you run out of ideas or when you're in a rush.
    All the best in becoming much more healthier Betty.

  8. These are great tips! I have lost about 40 pounds in the last couple of months and it is because I changed my eating habits and changed my views on food. I am stopping by from the 4 Seasons Blog Hop!

  9. Exercise really can make a great difference. I've seen thin people who were not fit. There are many benefits to consistent exercise.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far, giving up processed foods is HUGE!!! High five, no two high fives to you because everywhere one looks there are easy-to-grab, bad-for-you, full-of-calories processed junk foods. Giving it up would not be easy, I'm SURE of it. I could eat a lot healthier than I do. You inspire me. :)

  10. Starting small is definitely paramount because you don't want to overwhelm yourself. You do sound like you know what you're doing though :) And I adore spaghetti squash!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty