
Monday, June 24, 2013

My Weigh - First Day of New Diet

Make sure to take a look at My Weight Loss Blog Directory!!!

My Weigh In For the Week

I am weighing in today since I started my new diet.  Next week I will weigh in on Tuesday.  

My new diet didn't go so well today.  I didn't get to go to the store and get supplied so I had to work with what I had at home.

I ate what the diet called for at breakfast, just not the vegetables in the scrambled eggs.  I was supposed to eat red bell peppers and spinach in my eggs, too.  I was also allowed coffee and half and half, but just drank water.

My snack was a stick of string cheese allowed by the diet.

I wasn't hungry at lunch so I didn't eat.  I was supposed to have a salad with Shrimp.

In the evening, my husband and son wanted to go to Olive Garden to eat.  I decided to go with them and have salad only.  I ate quite a bit of salad.  No croutons.

After I got home I was concerned that I hadn't eaten enough protein so I made myself a steak.  My plan called for a flank steak, 2 cups spinach, 5 cherry tomatoes and olive oil/red wine vinegar dressing.  What do you think of my plate?

My steak was a small filet.  

I don't think I missed to much of what was on the diet, just a few veggies.  The diet provides a shopping list so I will try to get to the store and do the shopping.

I think I will have another stick of string cheese for a snack later.

Loss 17 pounds total

Starting weight - 184.5
Week one - 180.0
Week two - 179.5
Week three - 179.0
Week four - 178.5
Week five - 177.0 
Week six - 176.0
Week seven - skipped, was on vacation
Week eight - 181.5  
Week nine - 174.0
Week ten - 172.5
Week eleven - 172.0
Week twelve - 171.5
Week thirteen - 170.5
Week Fourteen - 172.0
Week Fifteen - 167.5
Week Sixteen - 169.5
Week Seventeen - 168.5
Week Eighteen - 168.0
Week Nineteen - 167.5

Now Heading For The 150's!!!!  Hopefully the new diet will help me get there quicker!

Warning scale is 3 pounds light!  

I am linking up with the following hops:

         Bugs and


  1. Hi Betty, it's after 10p.m. and I must be very hungry. Your steak looked like one of my wife's caramel glazed cinnamon rolls (that she hasn't made in several months) and the bite sized cuts of meat looked like a small part of apple pie. I seriously had to reexamine the photo because I thought you might be joking. And I thought I was over food cravings!?! hmmn. Guess I'll turn out the lights and dream of dessert:) Good night?

    1. Sweet Dreams! I don't think those things would have given me a very good start on my diet! I think my sugar cravings are gone for now.

  2. Stopping by from Friend Connect Blog Hop.
    Cohost @JLenniDorner

    Buzz Lightyear- cool. Good luck on the weight loss.

  3. I find having enough vegetables and fruit on hand one of the hardest things to do... I have resorted to stopping at the grocery store about 3 days per week... otherwise I would have very little to eat. Good luck Betty :)

    1. I know! If I buy too much it goes to waste and it's expensive to waste. So it's best to buy just the right amount to get through a few days.

  4. hi there what diet are you on? good luck with it, your portion sizes look so small im getting hungry just looking at the pics lol

    1. The servings were actually quite large. I ate a few bowls of salad. The steak was a normal size filet. There are bunches of freebies on the list that you can use if you need more food.

  5. Oh yay on the weight loss so far and hoping that you will continue to lose now. And I know what you mean about Olive Garden's salad so yummy and we make flank steak here, too (and use a wonderful marinade, but it is a bit salty at times, but it so a treat and just love it!!).

    1. Thanks Janine! I really enjoyed the salad. I bet the flank steak is really good with a marinade.

  6. I think you did great! You worked with what you had which is a win in itself. :)

    1. Thanks Linda! Yes, I tried to go with it as closely as possible.

  7. Just found your blog!
    Now following!
    Looking forward to keeping up and getting to know you.

    I also have a blog design site, if you ever need a blog makeover check it out :)


    1. Thanks Christina, I may just need help with a blog design at some time in the future.

  8. Looks yummy!! I hope it works for you!!

    1. The food has really been good so far, and no cravings!!

  9. Very good! Keep it goin!!!

    :-) Marion

    1. Thanks Marion! I am definitely going to work at it!

  10. Excellent! Don't forget to celebrate your success.

  11. I love steak, yum! It sounds like you are doing great, keep up the great work!

  12. Awesome job! I wish I could do a diet like that...with the way my life goes I just don't see me being able to do a diet plan that tells me exactly what to eat :/ I'm glad it is working for you though! Good luck and again great job!

    Check out my fitness and progress on my site :) Not as far along as you are...but getting that baby weight off slowly!



Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty