Sunday, October 13, 2013

Meltdowns Galore! What fun!!

I received a free copy of the new book The Mother of All 
Meltdowns to review.  Oh my goodness!

Meltdowns Galor!  What Fun!!  #Meltdowns  #Fun

Moms melting down over Legos, pregnancies, children getting driver's licenses, a family fight with powdered sugar and wedding rings in the toilet.  That's just some of the stories you'll get to read. 

Are you a mom?  You will laugh at the stories they tell!  It will bring back memories of your own meltdowns, and make you thankful that you haven't had some of their incidents in your own life.

Do you intend to be a mom someday?  Maybe you'll change your mind after reading this book!  Not really! Everyone of these moms have had their meltdowns, but they will tell you their children are the joy of their lives.  

Wouldn't you just love to have your son tell everyone in the public restroom that mom is pooping?  He yells it very, very loudly and just keeps telling them.  Of course, this would be the time the restroom is be extremely full and there is a line out the door!  I don't know if I could ever come out of the stall!  You'll want to read about this meltdown!  This is just a small sample of the great stories you can read.

I read the book in two sittings.  I would have read it straight through, but as moms know life just keeps you too busy sometimes.  
The book is available at

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  1. I do want to read this book, I am hoping to get a copy by Christmas... I think it would be quite funny to read :)

    1. We have a lot of giveaways happening right now, Launna! Check out the events calendar and be sure to enter some! :)

  2. I think this book might embarrass me. I get embarrassed at others misfortune situations. Kinda like the old Bob Newheart show, they did such silly things I had to look away. I often think mothers of today just don't get they have a job to do, and that what they're going through is nothing new...except that they have it far easier then us old farts did. They have better communication, alot more help, easier and faster ways of doing home chores etc.

    1. Hi Sandy,
      I remember the old Bob Newhart show and I can relate to the feeling uncomfortable over the slap stick comedy. Motherhood, and this book, are nothing at all like slapstick comedy. This book is more about taking an honest look at motherhood and admitting that we all have moments when we mess it all up, and then try to pull it back together again. I remember, also, my mother and even my grandmother having meltdowns. I just don't remember them ever talking about it afterwards. I think some of the communication tools we have available to us now do make it easier, and one of them is this book and blogging. I hope you do read the book I would love to hear what you think.

  3. Replies
    1. It was fun to read. There is a little bit of everything in it. You should really read it!

  4. Sounds great. I'm trying to lose weight too.I have been juicing.

    1. It is a fantastic book! I hope the juicing works for you.

  5. Sounds great, Im trying to lose weight too.

  6. Thank you for reviewing the book. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

    1. It was really a great read. Moms can definitely relate to the stories.

  7. Thank you so much for the great review! If anything, I think it's a book that lets moms know they're not alone and that it is okay to have a meltdown from time to time. It's not strictly a humor book filled with bathroom tales. We have stories talking about the challenges of raising Special Needs children, others that talk about the loss of a child, and even some that involve pregnancy. :)

    1. Your welcome. I am glad I got the chance to review it! I think each of the moms had unique stories, but stories that all moms can relate to in some way.

  8. Thanks so much for posting a review of the book. Writing my own story was scary and being part of the book is a blast!

    1. Your welcome. I bet it was scary to write. You had to tell stories that showed you were human and not always the perfect moms.

  9. Thank you so much for the awesome review!

    1. Your welcome! Your story had your usual sense of humor!

  10. Thank you for the great review! I'm totally the wedding ring down the toilet girl. I fear I have nicknamed myself that for life, and well deserved!

    1. Your welcome! I so enjoyed that story. I guess it's not that bad to be known as the wedding ring down the toilet girl. I was just so happy that you found the ring.

  11. So glad you liked the book! I think a lot of moms will relate to it.

    1. Jennifer, you are so right, the book is so easy to relate to for moms.

  12. Thanks so much Betty for the wonderful review and totally appreciate it!! :)

    1. I have been reading your blog for sometime now. I have read the blogs of many of the authors. I think I could have picked out many of the ladies from their writing styles. So much fun!!

  13. Thanks so much for the review and so glad you enjoyed the book! :-)

    1. Thanks Lisa! I just might have to reread it.

  14. Thanks so much for the great review! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. It's nice to know we're not alone...we all have our moments! My mom just told me she bought the book and read it the other night...she said that she could relate to so many of the stories as well. Some things never change, from generation to generation! :)

    1. You're welcome! I do believe moms have been going through many of the same things for many generations. We just have different things around us, but seem to react to them very much like our mothers and grandmothers.

  15. I'm so happy you enjoyed the book! What a great review! I had so much fun being a part of it because it made me feel like I am not crazy and not the only one melting down. :)

    1. It was a fun, easy read! If your crazy then we must all be too! Maybe that's it, we are all crazy. We can all be crazy together.

  16. Thank you for the positive review! I think sometimes we're too caught up trying to present the "I'm perfect mom" facade, that we really fall to pieces in our meltdowns. But later we look back and think, "eh. That wasn't so bad." Ok, sometimes. :)


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty