Sunday, June 30, 2013

Can Paleo Save America??? Eliminating Processed Sugars & Grains!

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Can Paleo Save America?

This is a 25 minute video.  If you have time this video is very informative.

If America is put on a low carb/Paleo diet we can reverse the weight epidemic and improve the health of Americans. 

What does eating carbs do? 

Carbs help to make people fat by causing increased insulin production.

Some people don't process carbs as well as others, you can tell who those people are by how their bodies look.  If they have gotten fat from eating carbs, then they cannot eat carbs and eating paleo should reverse the problem.  If we continue the way we are going the health care system is going to be overloaded and the American economy will suffer largely.

People who are naturally thin and exercise can get by with eating more carbohydrates without gaining weight.  Even they will have problems with eating too many processed carbs.  They will be able to eat lots of fruits and other non-processed carbs and maintain a healthy weight. 

Insulin causes fat gain and weight gain.

Eating processed carbs causes an spike in insulin.  If you have a low level of insulin your body will stay thin.

Obese persons have high levels of insulin.  Thin people have low levels of insulin. 

Type 1 Diabetis, which is a insulin producing disorder, doesn't allow the sufferer to produce enough insulin.  Children with Type 1 Diabetis died from starvation before the medical industry came up with an injectable insulin. 

 I am not a doctor or nutritionist.  I am just giving my take on what I am reading and viewing.  


  1. Preachin' it to the choir here, girlfriend! Glad you are starting to feel the primal/paleo shift!

    1. Thanks Gwen! I am not totally sold, but it seems to go along with the low carb diet. I have always lost weight when I have eaten meats, fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheese, and nuts. Mainly things that are grown. I feel better and I lose weight when I eat that way. I don't know what exactly paleo is. If that's paleo then I do totally believe in it.

  2. I agree that we eat too many carbs and too much sugar in this wonderful nation of ours:-/

    1. I just can't believe it when I walk in stores and places around home anymore. The biggest percentage of people are obese. I don't know if it more in this area of the country or if it is the same nationwide.

  3. Hi Betty - where is the link to the video? I can't see it.

    1. I'm sorry. It was there when I posted. I added the link!

  4. I just started a low carb diet. I'll definitely be following along for inspiration.

    1. Sherry, I have used low carb before and lost all my weight. I just seem to go back on carbs and gain it back. The big test here is if I can make lifetime changes. I think the research I have been doing is going to help make this a permanent change.

  5. Hubby and I eat alot of carbs, we love Italian food, love pasa and have it far more then we have meat and potatoes. I am thin, though have gained a wee bit with age. We eat lots of veggies with our pasta's, even add spinach to it. Guess we're lucky because we don't seem to have an issue with it.

    1. You are some of those lucky people. I wonder though how many vegetables you are eating. Maybe you are slowing down the carbs with the veggies. Also you didn't mention eating sweets.

  6. I always try to stay away form the carbs but I have to admit, just looking at these pictures made me crave them...Lol.

    1. I know!! When I was looking for pictures to put up, I thought, wow, that looks good!!

  7. Hi Betty! Are you sure you're not Gwen's cousin? :D

    :-) Marion

    1. Maybe we are long lost cousins! I will keep searching my genealogy and see if she turns up somewhere.

    2. You are so adorable, Betty! :)

  8. My husband has done paleo in the past and loved it :)

    1. I really do think it makes you feel better. Why did he stop?


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Thanks!!! Betty