Friday, May 10, 2013

Blog Every Day In May - That's Embarrassing!!

Day 10, Friday: Most embarrassing moment (s). Spill.

Embarrassing moments, hmmm, can't seem to think of any.  I guess I haven't had one for a while.  

I remember once asking someone when their baby was due and she wasn't pregnant.  I won't ask that question again!  

I think I had peed my pants before when I couldn't make it to the bathroom.  That's embarrassing!

Gosh, I can't really think of anything really good.  That must mean I am too cautious and boring.  

Everyone should have some really funny, embarrassing story to tell.  I probably have one and I have totally wiped it from my brain because it was too embarrassing.  

Okay, since I couldn't come up with a story, if you have one please leave it in the comments.  At least, then I can have some fun friends since you have some great embarrassing moments.


  1. Hi Betty, I'm sure it will sizzle!!! And you'll have loads of fun. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Betty, I'm sure it will sizzle!!! And you'll have loads of fun. Thanks for sharing!

  3. hahah I think peeing your pants is probably pretty embarrassing!


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty