Monday, September 2, 2013

Why a Blogger?

Make sure to take a look at My Weight Loss Blog Directory!!!

Why a Blogger

Why Blog?

There are so many people that are blogging, you begin to wonder, why do so many people do it?  I assume there are many reasons.  Is the reason most people start blogging the same reason they are still blogging?

Why a Blogger
I originally started blogging on my family history blogs,  My Mother's Family History and The Plummer Gang Revisited.  I spent lots of time last year researching my family history.  I then decided to set up blogs for each side of my family.  I found that I really enjoyed blogging.  The other bloggers out there are so fantastic.  I have found bloggers that I would love to spend time with in real life.  I hope to get the chance to meet them someday.  There are so many wonderful people in the blogging world.

So in February of this year I decided to start another blog.  This blog was started to help me lose weight.  I have always been one of those people that if I had to weigh in front of people I would be very careful of what I ate so that I would do really good when I weighed in.  I thought maybe just having people on my blog to answer to I could do it.  I have been doing very well with this.  I would like to lose a few more pounds and then maintain the weight loss forever.  Weekly weigh ins have been very motivating for me.  
I take a picture of the number on the scale and post it each week.

Why a Blogger
I have decided to expand my blog to be more of a lifestyle blog and I have found a huge interest in growing my blog and trying to monetize it.  I would like to stay at home and make money blogging.  I have spent lots of time researching how all the social media works.  I am trying to build my social media sources and I have started writing about that.  I find this area very interesting and I may just have to keep researching and posting about it.  

Weight loss will always be a part of my blog!  My blog has helped me lose weight and change how I eat.  I have become more focused on eating Paleo/Primal/Low Carb.  

I love reading blogs!  Okay bloggers, tell me your story.  Why did you start blogging and have your reasons for blogging changed over time?

Why a Blogger

Summer Solstice
My Life 


I am blogging with the September Blog Every Day Challenge. Please come join us!  It will be fun!  Karissa has all the prompts on her blog at Fresh Start On A Budget.

Why A Blogger


  1. I started blogging to help keep me accountable on my weight loss journey. Shortly after starting one blog, I began to get more interested in reading all the crafty DIY bogs and really wanted to have that creative outlet. That blog took priority because it really grew, I had a lot of fantastic feedback, and it was much more fun than my weight loss struggles. However, I soon noticed my DIY blog was taking up way too much of my time and it was time to get serious about my weight loss. I tried to take a leave from the DIY blog just as I finally started receiving offers for sponsored posts. Of course! Because I am a stay-at-home-momma, this is way too hard to resist and I would love to learn how to earn more with blogging. I'm going to slowly try to combine the two into one - it's my world, there's no reason I can't share it all in one place!


    1. I hope you can figure out how to keep up your weight loss and blog too. I think combining them would work well. I hope you are able to make money blogging, all moms can use more money.

  2. I'm so glad we "met" in the blog world. You seem like such a wonderful human being. I, too, started a healthy living blog...more so because I sell a few natural products that can help people and I'm really passionate about living healthy and sharing information that can help others do the same. Once I started getting to know other bloggers, I too, decided to create a lifestyle blog which is how I came up with Homemaking With Style :) I'm afraid of a September Challenge like this haha! I'm so busy around the house that I'm so excited to get at least a few blog posts up a week.

    1. Thanks Brittnei! I also have enjoyed getting to know you in the blogging world. You are one of those great people I have met. I may have taken on more than I can handle this month. I am going to co-host in 3 new blog hops, as well as, try to keep up the challenge. I thought it would be best to keep busy. My son left for college and I am trying to adjust to him being gone. If I'm busy I won't sit around and cry.

  3. I started blogging to give myself a voice, my ex husband had raped me after we separated... I needed to get my voice back, the one I used to have and lost...

    Then I started writing more when my David and I separated, I really needed to get my feelings down/out... it is very therapeutic to me...

    1. Launna, your story is so sad. I am glad that you are making a happy ending to it. Your weight loss has been fantastic. I think you have found your voice and have been such an inspiration to so many others.

  4. I also started to blog with weight-loss in mind. Still working on it, but keeping a blog helps a lot! Wish I started sooner :)

    1. You started, that's the important thing! You will get there, it is a lifelong journey so a few weeks or months don't really matter.

  5. I entered unchartered waters when I set up my blog about weight loss and trying to go from fat to fit. I very quickly learned that this niche of blog world is dominated primarily by women. There is blogher and other similar organizations. There is no bloghim.

    Anyway...the reason I started blogging was a desperate attempt to force myself to change my unhealthy eating habits and couch potato lifestyle. I had considered doing an anonymous blog, but for me...hiding behind anonymity on the internet with a pseudonym would create an exit strategy for failure, when I failed to produce results. So I had to use my real name and real location. That made me much more accountable. Fear of public failure can be a great motivator:) Anyway...that is how I initially got started.

    1. I am so glad you started blogging, Marc, you have been a great inspiration to so many people. You are one of the people who made me realize that Paleo had so many benefits. I still am amazed at the belly fat lose that comes with eating Paleo.

  6. I've been blogging since it first came out - I used to journal so blogging was natural for me. I am not much for talking - but I write all the time. I have things inside me that have to get out. I have several niche blogs, but this one blog is my personal one. Of course I am locked out forever on my original personal blog so the current one is my new one. It is my therapy.

    1. I hate that they locked you out of your personal blog. Since you posted about that I have always worried. Are you backing your blog up now? I keep thinking I need to figure out how to do that.

  7. You have come a long way Betty. Great post!

  8. It is pretty cool how many weight loss blogs there are now... it is like a built in motivation for continuing to work on it! I need to lose some weight myself. I also love the idea of creating a family history blog. But both sides of my family have kind of checkered histories, and they might get mad if I acknowledge that in any way! :P

    1. Angel, I so enjoy all the other weight loss blogs. I created the Weight Loss Blog Directory so people could find others to support them. I have had lots of people thank me for making it easy to find so many others.

      There are many checkered things in our family too. My family members have gotten to the point of laughing about it. We are not responsible for the people who went before us. Hopefully we have learned lessons from them.

  9. I wrote a post about how I started blogging because of my mom. Now I blog because I enjoy the challenge of expressing myself and to make connections with people :)

    1. I have to get there to read your story. I like your blogging reasons. I will be over to read your story in a few minutes.

  10. I've found your blog through the Pincentive Blog Hop and will be following you on Bloglovin'. Congratulations on choosing a healthy lifestyle. I made that choice 4 weeks ago myself. It's sometimes hard but my chocolate and sweets cravings are gone and I don't get hungry between meals. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more of your journey.

    Michelle @ On A Wing And A Prayer

    1. I will follow you and can't wait to read about your journey through the weight loss tunnel.

  11. So interesting that you blogged about your family's history! I'm looking at doing mine and hubby's family tree's so maybe blogging about it would be fun! Would get me going on it! hehehe Blogs are so motivational whether you are reading them or writing them!!!

    1. I hope you decide to blog about your family history. Come back and tell me if you do. It really helped me to put the stories together. It was a great tool for family research. I have so much more to do, but I have to travel to some of the places they lived to do it and I haven't been able to get there yet. With my son graduating and leaving for college it took up most of my summer. Since all our money is going to school with him now I can't afford to travel very much.

  12. That's cool that you are working hard to keep a lifestyle. I've always wanted to try Paleo.

    1. I hope you give it a try. It has done wonders for me.


Please take a moment and let me know what you think about this post. I love reading your comments. I try to answer every comment, maybe not immediately, but as quickly as I can.

Thanks!!! Betty